upper middle section swatara creek



Aug 10, 2008
where the bologna comes from.
i finally was able to get on the creek, for the first time this year. between the cold wet winter and cooler wet spring and cool wet summer, flows on the creek have not been anywhere near normal. so far this it has not made it down to even the median flow, let alone to where it runs most summers, so it has been murky and off colored all summer so far.
i was going to hit the little swatara this morning, but the storms yesterday afternoon removed that from the table. so i was just up from the junction of the swatara/little swatara. water clarity was still far from where i like it, but oh well.
this was also the first outing for the 5wt legend elite, which i'am now really digging. first fish for it was, a white crappy, which is sorta unusual for the creek. 10minutes later and i have a mess of them to my name, including several nice examples(all released). that many of them is pretty out of the norm for the creek, i have caught a few over the years, but never in that number or size or that quick. the panfish population is booming. they are everywhere out there, more so than i have ever seen. several really nice blueguills made themselves available, some of the nicer ones i've handled in the ol creek.
i still want to get out to the little swatty. i never messed with it much, or at all really.however the section i was looking at yesterday, immediately before the heavy rain was, A pretty nice looking and B running about as clear as what i like it's big brother to.
sorry no pictures. was just happy to be fishing for the first time.
What section did you fish ?
That thunderstorm yesterday day dumped rain from Jonestown downstream through Lebanon County. The creek was almost clear at Lickdale but very colored still at Frog Hollow. It was a pretty sharp cutoff where the rain started.
Well it's ruined again now. We just had a downpour here in the Skook section(headwaters).