Snakehead - it's what's for dinner!



Well-known member
Aug 24, 2008

Yep - not only do they taste good, they hit flies and lures and fight hard. More and more anglers in the tidal Potomac are really starting to like snakeheads. As the article says, however, the name "snakehead" won't result in a lot of menu orders.

Recall some years ago that seafood promoters had a delicious (although slow growing and now rare) fish from the Atlantic that tasted so good it had great promise as a restaurant delicacy....the only problem being its unappetizing name: Patagonian toothfish.
Well, once the promoters changed the name to "Chilean Sea Bass" the newest food fad was off to the races.

So what more appetizing name can we come up with for the snakehead? :)
I guess they are serving Asian Carp(bighead and silver carp) in some restraunts now. Instead they call it "silverfin".
Fishidiot wrote:
Yep - not only do they taste good, they hit flies and lures and fight hard. More and more anglers in the tidal Potomac are really starting to like snakeheads. As the article says, however, the name "snakehead" won't result in a lot of menu orders.

Recall some years ago that seafood promoters had a delicious (although slow growing and now rare) fish from the Atlantic that tasted so good it had great promise as a restaurant delicacy....the only problem being its unappetizing name: Patagonian toothfish.
Well, once the promoters changed the name to "Chilean Sea Bass" the newest food fad was off to the races.

So what more appetizing name can we come up with for the snakehead? :)

Don't know if you are interested, but I purchased a book on the discount rack at the college book store called Hooked. It's a non fiction story about the Patagonian tooth fish, its history and decimation and a real life pirate chase. It was an interesting read. If you want it pm me your address and I will send it to you. Think it cost me three bucks, so I am not interested in it back. Let me know.