Wait for It....



Apr 30, 2010
Just a basic tip that I even forget about sometimes myself. Get to the creek, stream, river, get in the water you want to fish, tie your fly on, then Wait.....about 10 minutes or so, and observe. This will give the fish, if spooked, a chance to settle, and will give you the opportunity to observe some important factors, what they're feeding on, where they're feeding, etc... Simple, but effective. Just a reminder to help you out. Tight lines!
Good reminder tip! One very easily forgotten.
Huge fan of this, but I'll wait longer if I can and wait to tie on after.
I usually make immediate demand on the water to give up a trout on a dry fly. After that fails 98% of the time, then I will take 10 minutes or so to observe. I can't stand not casting as soon as I get to the water.

It's always a good idea to just sit and watch the water for a while, to see what going on.

I try to make myself wait, but I am the most impatient person on the planet!