Trout fly suggestions for July and into autumn



Sep 9, 2006
Now that most of the dries in my box are going to be of little use (unfortunately 75% of them never made it onto tippet this year due to limited fishing time :)), I'm looking to expand my nymphs and terrestrials for the coming months and am looking for some suggestions on what to stock up on ..

So far I'm planning on expanding my stock of the following:

PT nymphs
HE nymphs
prince nymphs
caddis nymphs
slate drake nymphs


wooly buggers

Any other suggestions?
I always have midges, bwos, tricos, slate drakes, cahills, and caddis in my vest all summer also
Bead head Green Weenies are very successful, as are the same fly tied in other fluorescent colors. I also like the lightening bug nymph as well.
jswilson98 wrote:
Bead head Green Weenies are very successful, as are the same fly tied in other fluorescent colors. I also like the lightening bug nymph as well.

I was slamming the trout with a bead chain eyed green weenie a few weeks ago with low and clear conditions. It's nice to see they fly every second and set the hook when it disapears. Tough to "feel" those light strikes, or see them with and indicator. I'm a fan of the visable flies in the summer.
A cigar shaped fly made of hare's ear dubbing and lead wire catches fish year round, and is always part of my tandem.
Get some BH Midge Larva patterns. I like to use them on educated fish.
What's been described ought to cover the bases as far as I know. I do like a crayfish fly for summer trout fishing. Inchworms work very well in summer, esp where there is overhead Hemlock and conifers. I'd imagine this may have something to do with the efficacy of green weenies. And of course beetles - lots of 'em.