Making a Stripping Baskets



Well-known member
Apr 25, 2007
Until I fly fished in saltwater I did'nt realize the value of a stripping basket. I did'nt realize how difficult it was to pick up all the line and keep from getting tangles ion the line. Any you guys make a stripping basket? Got any info you can to share on the subject?

Thanks Paul
I bought one from bean or orvis for the beach..forget which...anyway it was like 20 bucks...I know some have made them from plastic dish pans and put big nails up thru the bottom to manage the line. I like the one you showed for a boat. Mine is worn around the waist.
Home made and cheap:

That's what I was looking for. Having fly line going everywhere is a pain- especially if there is a current or oyster beds. Those are line shredders. Maybe try it out in the lakes this July and August.
I bought a plastic basket at Target for $2 and strapped a heavy-duty flat bungee cord on it. It works great and cost maybe $3 total.
Agreed - make your own. I've been using one made from a plastic tub and it has held up for over a decade. Drill a couple small holes at the deepest point for water drain out. I stumbled into a plastic "bottom" for stipping baskets at a fly show for cheap and added this to mine. This would be one of those plastic plates with the upward protrusions to help keep your coils from tangling. I've seen some pretty good homemade strip baskets that utilize coils of heavy mono for the same purpose.
I'll definitely be making one of these before my trip to the Outer Banks at the end of summer! I can't wait to hit some salt water with my Clousers! :-D
Rent a kayak and hit the sound going north or south?
I've used everything from a baseball cap with the bill stuck in my wading belt (works well in a pinch) to Orvis basketts with the conical line managers on the bottom to home-made jobs.

For my money, whether you choose to make one or buy one, make sure it has mono straights for line management. They keep line tangles down better than anything else I've used.

Also, I don't agree with the hole in the bottom of the baskett advice. If you keep a little water in the bottom of the baskett--just a quarter of an inch, you will also experience fewer tangles.

Anything to keep from picking knots out when there are fish in front of you.

Have fun.
I fished along the Maine beaches for stripers and all the "locals "had their home made ones on. It was fun reading all the bumper stickers on them. That afternoon after some fresh caught fish and lobs, the posers showed up with their high priced s.b.'s on. You can tell the diference. The store bought ones arent as colorful or unique as the men in the canvas waders are.
I'm a little late to this thread, but I have made a cheap basket that works for me. I picked up a cheap dishpan at KMart for $2, took a heat gun to one side so I could remold the curve to fit my waist better, put a nylon belt on it that I had laying around, and lastly, drilled holes in the bottom and glued heavy pieces of weedwhip line in them about 5 inches long. It's comfortable and works well. It looks as cheap as it is, and no one has laughed at it yet.
Orvis basket - like $60 and perfect everytime