George Harvey: Memories, Patterns, Tactics



Well-known member
Nov 20, 2006
I just re-read this book that Mr. Harvey and Dan Shields collaborated on. If you haven't read it, you probably should: it is a nice look at things as they once were. It and Charles Lose's "The Vanishing Trout" depict Pennsylvania trout streams that were chocked full of wild trout and make the reader imagine how it was. Good reads.
I have this book, and really enjoyed it also, - even though he states in it that a bunch of guys from Pittsburgh went up and fished out buffalo run.
Besides the great info on how good the streams used to be, he also gives some great fishing and tying tips. Using smaller hackle, and dubbing around the thorax area when tying dries, has become standard procedure on all my flies.
I also use his home made floatant suggestion of lighter fluid and mucilin paste
I have a copy that I re-read every winter. each time I pick up some tips that I didn't latch onto the last times.
Yeah, this book is a gem. GH mentions toward the end his staunch opposition to electro fishing and how convinced he was that this was detrimental to fish populations.
Very good reading, plus the some of the old standard flies still being used today. I to like tabasco joe get it out every winter and re-read.