Where is the water



Well-known member
Sep 10, 2006
Heck: I went to meadow run yesterday afternoon and I thought it was late July. Water levels we very very low. Water temp was 62 and clear as a bell. Still had a great time fishing Zoo Cougars ( Thanks Dave1066) Managed to pull quite a few out of the stream. I also scored my first tiger trout, ever.

We need rain. We had a brush fire in the ' hood tonight. Fire dept and everything.
A paramount question you've asked. This year's rain deficit is major. I wonder, please, how you gauge & monitor the streams' levels? As a novice fly fisherman, I've been trying to monitor lake level alert sites for significant drops, but perhaps the stream reports from fly shops are far more specific? Anyhow, would greatly appreciate any insight you may have. Thank you.
Dear jn,

I think most of us use the USGS gauges which can be found at this link. They don't cover every stream, but they can give a pretty good picture of a region. The front page of this site has a map with colored dots that shows the same information. Red and orange are bad because they indicate low water, darker green and blue are good, and black dots are bad because they are record highs.


Tim Murphy :)

I caught my first tiger a week ago Sunday at Dunbar and my second this past Saturday on Meadow. Meadow was low and clear on Saturday as well.
Must be that Global Warming. :-D
Well it's not falling from the sky and that my friend is the problem!
Hey the state of Florida is basically on fire! We need a little rain also.
Well its been pouring since mid morning here. Not the good soaker we need, but it should keep water levels decent through the next couple of days.