Anybody going to the Fly Fishing show in Somerset NJ?



Well-known member
Sep 9, 2006
Dear Board,

I was just wondering if any of you plan on going to the Fly Fishing Show this weekend in Somerset, NJ?

Rumor has it that Rolf Jacobsen has agreed to buy beer for everyone that shows up at the bar, right Rolf? :-D

I'll be there Saturday until Rolf is broke.

Tim Murphy :)
Hi Tim - Do I have to bring my deer cart to wheel you out to the Rolfmobile? :-o I'm going EARLY to catch up with a bunch of folks before the noon extravaganza. Hope to get a parking spot up close, as it's always like 2 degrees above zero every year I go there. See ya at the bar!.......Ed
Ed, Tim has obviously been imbibing already are is hallucinating. I couldn’t afford to keep him in beer. You on the other hand, I’d be happy to buy a beer for.


I would hate to have to Wheel the Big Guy out, even in a deer cart :-D
I'll be there, it's a long trek, but good to see some of the new gear and cast some rods...........
See yuh there.
Tim I will be there today . I will be the guy wearing a gray shirt and jeans teaching Tim Rajeff how to cast.......JK :pint:
I was going but I'm stuck down south where I dn't want to be.
My buddy and I went yesterday. That was the first real flyfishing show I've gone to and all I can say is WOW! It was really cool to be able to get a feel for all the different rods, though the only one I cast was a 4wt bamboo from a rod builder.
Got to talk to a couple of outfiters and picked up some more tying materials, overall it was just a fun day.

I wanted to go but it's over 4 hour's drive for me. If anyone came upon anything new or interesting at the show, please report!!

New must-have gadgets or tying materials? New fly patterns? Good books? Good rod values? (specifically a 7 1/2 foot 4 wt that is fact action, a real rocket, but doesn't cost a fortune?)
Somerset sucked except for the people I was fortunate enough to meet there. It was incredibly expensive....6'9" 2/2, 3 weight bamboo rod from Bill Taylor followed me home and I had to keep it.
I was disapointed by the show I was hoping to find some deals like what you would find at a gun show. It was crazy, there was like no deals at all, everthing was full price unless it was a discontinued item. I did see some new stuff one that caught my eye was the Nor-vise that vise is awesome.... it spins dubbing and hackle in a blink of eye. I would of bought if I had the money($265)..... :-o
Here is a video of it in action