Rio Smallmouth Line or Something Else?



Well-known member
Dec 7, 2006
Berks County, PA
Has anybody tried this line and if so, what's the verdict?

I recently picked up a fast action 6wt to use for warmwater fishing, most often river smallmouth (Schuylkill/Delaware) BUT I have no intention of throwing really heavy or huge flies with it. That's the job of my 7 & 8wts when I'm inclined to use them.

I successfully christened it last week with a regular taper/true to weight WF6F Rio Lumilux Classic and some small to medium poppers & small Clousers on a shorter stout leader. At longer distances it handled the Clousers just fine but the poppers were a bit tougher so I was thinking a more aggressive taper may help.

The problem is, I like the rod with a 6wt which is why I bought it and short casts/close-in loading were NO problem for me so I'm reluctant to overline or buy something that is way over weight like a GPX or Rio Grand and I have a feeling the Rio Smallmouth line is more of a close-in popper line and will make the rod feel sloppy or overloaded at longer distances. I also considered a Rio Gold which is supposed to be an aggressive WF6 that comes in at 168 grains which is at the very upper end of the AFTMA specs for a 6wt.

Does anybody have any experience with either of these lines on really fast rods when fishing with small poppers and/or smaller streamers at longer distances or have another recommendation? With the price of fly lines these days, failed experiments suck. ;-) Any input would be greatly appreciated!!

Thanks in advance for any suggestions you can offer.

What is "long" distance?

for large poppers i use the SA titan taper
but that is an aggressive WF that has the mass for tunover and likes to shoot at 40+'

if you want to carry 50+' of line when using larger poppers... look for a long head line

that smallmouth line has a "rear handling" section that don't look like much

maybe this overloaded as a 7... which will give you 73' until you hit running line
By long I am talking about 70'- 80' and beyond which seems to be where about 90% of my casts go but the poppers I am throwing and plan to continue to use are probably anything but large.

Thanks for the ideas!
I tried the Rio Smallmouth line and felt that the Clouser line works better for the fishing that I do. I fish the same waters as you with the Delaware being the one I fish the most. The Clouser line handles heavy and large flies a lot better than the Smallmouth line. Don't get me wrong, the Smallmouth line works great, but I felt it handled smaller trout sized flies and feel that it is a better choice for trout stream style smallmouth fishing rather than big river smallmouth fishing. I used a Scott S3 6wt when I tried the line. The Clouser line is .5wt heavier and the Smallmouth line is a standard weight.
What 6wt did you buy?
I've used the Clouser line in 7 & 8 wt on the Susquehanna with much bigger flies but I am far from a fan of the line. It does throw the big stuff but seems too heavy and quirky to me when trying to throw a long cast but maybe it's me. To be honest, the nicest casting 8wt line I ever used is a Cortland 333 Bass Bug Taper that I have owned for years. It will throw anything but I don't think I need that much oompf for my 6wt...

...I think.

The 6wt I got is a 9'0" 6wt Winston BIIMx. It's a cannon but it was what I was after for the bigger rivers and smaller flies, not to mention it is being discontinued and I got it with Cabela's points at 30% off with free freight! It's a really nice casting rod with TONS of power and a 6wt is fun change of pace from my heavier 7 & 8wt outfits that I like better on the bruisers I USED to catch on the Suskie in the good old days.

Thanks for the input!
I've been throwing big poppers with a 7wt Rio Grand line and I'm getting 40-50' of line in the air and on my final forward cast i try to shoot a little more line. The fly line wants to shoot past the popper because it is so wind resistant. It turns into a pile on the water. This is only on longer last night when i needed to clear about 40'+ of bankside lily pads.

I might look into that Titan taper. Sounds interesting.
Bamboozle wrote:
By long I am talking about 70'- 80' and beyond which seems to be where about 90% of my casts go but the poppers I am throwing and plan to continue to use are probably anything but large.

Thanks for the ideas!

Those are long casts. Ever consider a shooting head? I've been messing with them for FW fishing.

Pick-up - one false cast - Haul, haul - and shoot.

Works well for long distance casts (90% of your fishing, as stated above).

Also works well with quick and easy change of heads for fishing from top to bottom. Floating head for poppers and intermediate or fast sinking for underneath.
Orvis has a bass bug tapered line out that you should look at.

+1 on the Cortland bass bug taper - I have a 6wt one that is easy to fish and cast with.
Based on some taper comparisons to what I like & know and input from folks here and elsewhere, I think I have it narrowed down a bit. A phone call to Rio will probably help me make my final decision between a Gold or Smallmouth. I think anything else is overkill for my application.

Thanks again all and be on the lookout for "Gently Used 6wt Fly Line" in the For Sale section if I guessed wrong!
