20 Orvis flies for $9.95



Staff member
Sep 11, 2006
Chester County, PA
FYI, found this ad on PAFF in the margin. 20 Orvis flies for $9.95 with free shipping. If you don't tie your own, looks like a great deal at < $.50 / fly.

a great deal even if you do tie your own. Orvis hooks can be expensive and generally speaking, my ties don't come out as pretty as the ones I received from them.

After I ordered mine and liked them, I had my girlfriend order me some. They only shipped and billed her for one though, so don't try ordering additional boxes or you'll get called out.
i got a set too... great deal. their selections seem to be on the large side but i'm sure i'll get my money's worth.
Thanks for the heads up. I tie, but this was too good with free shipping.
This came up a little while ago too, but it is a good selection for anyone.

When I ordered mine (before I tied), I got mine in with a small letter attached. It said "We at Orvis are sorry for the delay of your flies. We ran out of our usual boxes and instead upgraded your box with your purchase of 20 flies" (or something to that effect).

I got a very nice 9 compartment clear box with my flies, that I'm sure Orvis sells for more than $10. So I was very satisfied with my purchase. The flies were pretty good too!