Micro buggers



Well-known member
Aug 24, 2008
Salmo's thread got me thinking about micro buggers. I'm a sucker for fishing wooly buggers, but haven't fished or tied anything smaller than a #10. In referring to a micro bugger, I think of smaller sizes such as 12, 14, 16, etc.

I did a Google search and come up with a few hits such as this site: http://www.flytyingforum.com/index.php?showtopic=35103

I see that ostrich herl is one of the materials people use on the smaller buggers to really make the fly come "alive". I'm gearing up to sit down at the vise shortly and am considering tying some micro buggers in size 14 or so.

Just curious to hear what people had to say about micro buggers.
Ostrich herl is one of the most wonderful materials in the world. It turns to snotty goo when wet. I'm making a serious effort to use it more often from now on.
I agree. I've been using a fair amount of ostrich herl lately. Looks good wet. I have been taking 3-6 strands of it and twisting it up with a fine wire, then wrapping it as a body (Alec Jackson technique). Adds a little strength. This isn't a pic of one of mine, but I've been tying a lot of AJ Spade style flies for steelhead lately. You could see how the ostrich body would work for a tiny bugger.



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I tie a lot of buggers in #12, some in 14. I use the ostrich herl for bodies but I have found they don't take too much abuse. If you tie your own I wouldn't worry about it too much.
Been toying with these for a few weeks now, ostrich herl is the absolute BOMB!!! Though I do like a small bunch of marabou for the tail and a strand or two of crystal flash in the tail also. For a little added durability I like to counter rib with a fine wire. As troutpoop says, sizes 12 and 14's have been working good. White was a working good the other day.

I tie and fish micro buggers. I make them simple. I just tie in the marabou for the tail, then just wrap it around the hooks shank to make the body. I tie all my buggers this way no matter the size.

I have tied them down to size 12 and 14. They work very well. I use them mainly on smaller streams with lighter weight rods.
Ive used bigger peacock herls and ostrage along with glass beads gives them a little more weight with out lead,They dont last long due to wrapping the herl over the beads though but they work very well for a while.
Here's some examples I found. Looks like if you use hackle, it's recommended to remove one side to take some bulk out.

Honestly, I've just lashed a few small barred marabou feathers to a weighted hook and had awesome results.

I don't think I'd bother with hackle at real small sizes.
I tie small marabou streamers (black, white, barred). Don't know why people don't fish them anymore. Sometimes I wrap silver tinsel on the shank of the hook.
Great find on that site I will be tying some of those up.
Like Johnny & Jay above, I also just use marabou for the tail and body on small buggers. But I often wrap a little lead around the shank first and finish it off by ribbing wire around the body for durability and a small amount of flash.
jayL wrote:
Honestly, I've just lashed a few small barred marabou feathers to a weighted hook and had awesome results.

I don't think I'd bother with hackle at real small sizes.

That's pretty much what I've done as well, Jay. First time I ever heard of them I was fishing a small brookie stream w/ Sal and he mentioned he wished he had some w/ him. I asked if they were just a standard bugger tied to smaller sizes, like 12 and 14. Hey said "pretty much" so that's how I approached it. Worked well.
I love a black bigger with grizzly hackle. Never tied them small though.
Hope no one minds if I resurrect this thread with a question. How does everyone fish these? Are they more effective dead drifted or stripped? Just from reading on those two links, it seems like more people prefer to dead drift or swing them like wet flies.
i have tied and fished micro buggers for a while now i tied one just messing around but i tied it backwards tail up tto the eye with black marabou and a caddis green ice dub with black hackle it fished well until i lost it it was a size 14 or 16 also i like to tie gartside soft-hackle streamers small too deadly ... .