been using Minwax



Active member
May 24, 2011
water based "polycrylic" as a head cement for over a year now with good results. Tried a search here and didn't see it listed so thought I would mention it.
Because it's water based I just add a few drops of water if it starts drying out. Gives a nice even coat - almost like epoxy. Water clean up of tools is great. It does have a smell when wet that I cannot smell when dry - hopefully the fish can't smell it either.
I get it at the local home improvement store - it comes in a small container - maybe half pint and it has a blue label.
I also just wrapped a hook keeper on an old rod and instead of mixing up Flex coat I just put 5 or 6 coats of this on the thread wraps and it looks as good as epoxy.

give it a try and see what you think.
I hate to ask the obvious, but is it waterproof once set?
from what i have found on water based materials is they are ok just getting wet they do their job, but when soaked as in under water for a time they tend to break down.
I haven't had any flies fall apart or unravel from the head. I just keep them under water for your regular drifts when fishing. Wish i could get an "eternal drag free drift" but 10 - 15 sec. is more like it.
I had it left over from a project and liked the idea of water based cement - Loon sells water based head cement.
I didn't like using organic carcinogens like MEK to thin my laquer cements.

It works as good as laquer head cement for my purposes.