please tell me this isn't true



Well-known member
May 29, 2009
I posted this in another topic, but I thought I'd post it again by itself to get more exposure.
I hope this is isn't true. very scary if it is. sorry for the ad at the beginning, but please, watch the whole thing.

another article related.
I am not one that follows politics and I don't vote because of it. However, when my 2 biggest concerns are education and environment, and Corbett is slapping me in the face with his #OOPS# right now. I think I am going to start following politics a little more closely.
inferno now? i don't understand why politician after politician gets away with setting up phoney committees like this. read this wonderful article.

"HARRISBURG -- A new commission stacked with energy executives and campaign contributors -- including one with a history of environmental violations -- has been tasked to ensure land and water are protected as they help grow the gas drilling industry in Pennsylvania."

Read more:
@ bikerfish,

Speechless. PA may be setting a new precedent for the country.
Since when is it not corruption to hire someone who has given you money......or allow people with interests in industry to control the oversight of industry?

I mean on a criminal level.....This is la Cosa Nostra. Literally or rather legally.
thanks for moving it.

i didn't know if my topic was in another thread or not. but this has to be illegal on some level. why do the feds not step in on this? that is a real question if anyone has the answer because i would expect any person with half a brain and and a little power to know that corbett has to be stopped. and what was it in his campaign that had so many people vote for him? i knew and i'm sure alot of people knew these things were going to happen if he was elected.

he is seriously flaunting his power now and needs to be removed from office.
Like Gadhafi, Corbett MUST GO!! It's scarey when someone with his interests gets into a position of power. What's more scarey is that he was voted into that position!
exactly wild trout! i know onorato imposed a drinking tax but i didn't think an extra 10 cents on your beer at the watering hole would seal his fate in the election. haha. but in all seriousness, voters across the country need to wake up and stop listening to the lies coming out of the republican's mouths. they represent one small fraction of this country and if you are part of that and vote for them thats fine. but if you are not part of it and vote for them there is a problem. the only way they can win is by suckering people into believing they care about the honest hard-working majority of the country through blantant lies and faking their religious beliefs. that is how they win elections. and now we are seeing and feeling the aftermath.
he might as well send the state reps home since he's basically becoming a dictator. that will save the state a bunch of money!
why have them if they aren't going to be able to vote on issues.
I really hope there is some backlash from this. we have a state congress for a reason, to represent OUR ideas. corbett shouldn't have this much power.
time to write more letters!!
not only does corbett have the power. but according to the video, his cronie is going to have a disgusting amount of power if the bill is passed. enough for him to walk into your basement tomorrow morning and set up a well if he wanted to.
let's hope it doesn't get passed. like I said, time to write our reps and let em know how we feel.
I've been sitting here sending out emails. I just email the PADems to find out what the process was in removing a governor. It's time we all take our own political action against these politicians that do nothing for the majority and everything for the very few. These guys think their is no repurcussion for their actions once voted in. Well now's the time for that to change. We need to remove him.
The main difference b/w Corbett & Onorato on gas drilling-Onorato was going to tax it, but even he received money from the industry to move it along. Not nearly as much, and probably not as fascist, but there you go.

On a side note, MOST of the people that I talk to do not want to discuss gas drilling on any level. I think, that in itself, is disturbing. If they don't see it, it doesn't exist. I'm not sure why the willful blindness but I wish people would care more now before the state is run over. If you try to discuss it, you are labeled an environmental activist as in the violent kind. Since when was discussion a bad thing? Why is it that thinking for oneself is frowned upon? I have a friend who gets her water from Pennsylvania American Water and has received notices from them regarding the significant number of TSDs in her water and suggesting she buy bottled water. She has a 1 1/2 year old little girl drinking that same water. Why shouldn't she be allowed to express her concern with what is in her water?

I don't mean to rant, but I just don't understand why this issue isn't more mainstream. The media covers it relentlessly but people still don't talk about it. Why? It affects all of us.

"If they don't see it, it doesn't exist."

for a lot of people, it's not gonna be a problem until they get a pad as their neighbor. then they'll complain.

unfortunately, it'll take some sort of major disaster to get people's attention. and by then, it may be too late.

this is just the beginning. the gas companies got their guys in there. and with lots of cuts comin, it's only gonna get worse.
I know who I will vote for this fall, A democrat. I will not support a republican. This state needs a check on the C**P that is going on in Harrisburg.
On perhaps another front, the only other government check is through the courts; both state and federal. Perhaps then a corruption charge may stick.

"I've been sitting here sending out emails. I just email the PADems to find out what the process was in removing a governor. It's time we all take our own political action against these politicians that do nothing for the majority and everything for the very few. These guys think their is no repurcussion for their actions once voted in. Well now's the time for that to change. We need to remove him."

I think the state is ripe with the fallout from Wisconsin. What happens there may or maybe going on here in Harrisburg behind closed doors.

From a PennFuture email:----------------------------------------------------------------------------
"Driller-friendly, taxpayer-hostile budget
This week Governor Tom Corbett unveiled a $27.3 billion budget proposal that makes drastic cuts to basic education, higher education and other programs. In his budget address, the governor said a "day of reckoning" had arrived and said everyone needs to share in the sacrifice.

But the sacrifice certainly isn't shared. Pennsylvania's multi-billion dollar gas drilling industry was not asked to sacrifice one bit. The Corbett's budget failed to include a drilling tax on the largest and most profitable corporations on the planet. The governor issued a call instead to "let's make Pennsylvania the Texas of the natural gas boom." Texas taxes natural gas extraction and levies a property tax on the gas. Pennsylvania is the only major gas producing state without a drilling tax.

Did we vote for this?
The governor's trickle down tax plan, with favorable treatment of the drillers and his call on teachers and state workers to swallow wage and benefit rollbacks and the slashing of support for basic education and colleges, sparked public outrage. It was captured perfectly in a Philadelphia Daily News cover and biting column.

"Friction-free government" and a new permit czar
Governor Corbett's budget document also announced a new "regulatory reform" policy to create "friction-free government" and a new permit czar. Corbett gives the Secretary of the Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED), coal company CEO C. Alan Walker, broad authority to intervene in government decisions. Here's the nugget, buried deep in the 1184 page document - "The DCED secretary is empowered to expedite any permit or action pending in any agency where the creation of jobs may be impacted."

This breath-taking centralization of power in the hands of one person caught the attention of MSNBC's Rachel Maddow, who featured Corbett's action and a profile of Walker on her Thursday night show.

A reprieve for the forest--at least for now
Governor Corbett's budget does not propose additional leasing of our state forests for gas drilling. The governor apparently took the advice of the experts at the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources who concluded that leasing more land could irreparably damage the forest.

But we're not out of the woods yet
During the course of budget negotiations, legislators may end up considering leasing more forestland for drilling as they face a harsh public backlash to cuts. To try to ensure that doesn't happen 76 members of the House, led by Representative Greg Vitali (D-Delaware), have introduced House Bill 150, which would create at least a three-year freeze on further leasing of state land for gas and oil drilling. Many of these legislators, including House Democratic Whip Mike Hanna (D-Clinton and Centre) and House Democratic Caucus Chair Dan Frankel (D-Allegheny), were joined by Pennsylvania conservation and environmental organizations including PennFuture at a press conference to urge support for the bill.

Is your representative on the list?
If you have not yet asked your legislator to co-sponsor House Bill 33, now would be a good time to do so. You can find out if your legislator is a co-sponsor and send him or her a message – Why aren't you on the list? – right from PennFuture's action center. Take a minute and do it today."
Just a sad state of affairs right now. Hey! Atleast the weather is going to break soon and lots of bugs will be out!