White Fly Hatch Updates?



Well-known member
Nov 2, 2006
Does anyone have any updates on the white fly hatch?

I'm particularly hoping to hit it on the Juniata River somewhere between a few miles below Lewistown on up towards Huntington.

But info on the Susqy would be great too.

And does anyone know if many white flies hatch on the West Branch Susqy?
Should be any day now on the Juniata. I've heard some accounts that they are coming off on the main stem of the Susky now.

I don't know about white flies on the West Branch - would be good news. Perhaps there are some down around Williamsport these days?
troutbert wrote:
Does anyone have any updates on the white fly hatch?

I'm particularly hoping to hit it on the Juniata River somewhere between a few miles below Lewistown on up towards Huntington.

But info on the Susqy would be great too.

And does anyone know if many white flies hatch on the West Branch Susqy?

Ya know that there's no trout in the Junie, right Dwight?...or just slummin';-)
I thought catching 20 inch smallmouth bass might be a good break from the routine of catching 20 inch trout.
Well played Troutbert.
Anyone seeing white flies on the western part of the state? I was at the Rock in FFO section and only saw a few bugs not enough to raise fish then a boat load of midges. Did I miss it again this year? Or is the hatch late? Anyone familiar with the stream and the hatch?
I'm not sure if Neshannock has a lot of them, but I saw a couple out and about there yesterday.

It's an after-dark type deal though, so who knows if it got any good. Wasn't able to fish that late.

I've REALLY been wanting to hit this hatch on either Slippery Rock or Neshannock but haven't gotten around to doing it. I was thinking some night this week but mother nature may have other plans. Hopefully I don't miss it yet again this year....
they are coming off up here now.
Yep was at the rock yesterday and they started about 7:30, not a blizzard hatch but that seems to me like it's coming, the water was still a little stained so no risers but clearing so this weekend should be perfect.
Saw two on lil J yesterday. Fall is in the air literally, lots of leaves were getting blown into the water. Water was stained but at a good level as of yesterday. Saw a few tan caddis. Action was slow.
On the Rock tonight. Should've worn a parka. Blizzard hit hard. So many naturals it was impossible to fish. Seriously. Heaviest I've ever seen. Amazing sight. A few risers but water was still a bit stained. Worth the trip just to see it.
Fish a popper Paul. There is no contest trying to imitate the naturals when it's "on" at the Rock. The popper will get their attention. Oh yeah, make it a white popper for a closer imitation...
How far up(or down) are you guys fishing on Slippery Rock? Some of those stretches would be pretty sketchy at night.

Gonna be in the area tomorrow. Might be able to get out in the evening on either Neshannock or SR. Will report how I do if I fish...
I did fish a popper! I caught six -- 7 - 12 inches, a rainbow trout, lost a monster and missed many more. But in the heat of the hatch, even my moving popper was competing against flies--often 2 or more locked together-- moving on the water surface! It got to the point where I simply stood there and watched.

It was the heaviest hatch I ever witnessed in my life. And I'm 55. I have a short video I'll post when I have time to figure it out. But even the video wasn't at the hatches height. That came right at dark, when I couldn't see and gave up.

streamerguy,I was fishing between Kennedy Mills and Rt19
When it gets like that, fish within a radius of 10 feet...
Streamerguy, did you fish in volant at dusk tonight?
Yep. My brother and I fished it until dark. Were you the other fisherman??

We started farther downstream closer to New Castle at a spot I did really well at last weekend. Saw a couple white flies but it wasn't looking promising......and there were no risers. My brother picked up a bass on a streamer there and I lost a trout nymphing.

Then we went to Volant... Saw a handful of white flies in the riffles by the bridge, but nothing crazy. A variety of other bugs out and about as well. Some real small stuff, a couple caddis, and maybe a few iso's?? I missed one fish on a size 18 cahill.........and that's all the action we had there. Couple risers but not many at all where I was fishing. Had one brown that kept porpoising right infront of me. Maybe it was taking emergers....
I was the other guy.I only saw a handful of risers and did get one on a BWO
Fishing several areas today .

So here's a quick video of the white fly hatch when it first started getting heavy about 7:45. It got significantly heavier than this by like 8:15. But I was too busy flailing away to take more pics.
Great vid greenghost. Man, that's a lot of bigs! I can't imagine what it was like when it got heavier! Good stuff.

Fished a bunch of spots on Neshannock again today. A few white flies in the morning but it obviously wasn't prime time. Slow fishin but I managed to pick up trout here and there nymphing and got some dink smallies as well. Nice day on the stream.