White Fly Hatch Reports?



Well-known member
Nov 2, 2006
Does anyone know about what's happening with the white fly hatch on various smallmouth waters?

I'm particularly interested in trying to hit it on the Juniata between Mount Union and Lewistown.

I've had good smallie fishing in that stretch, but have never figured out the timing right to hit the white flies there.

But also I would be interested on white fly hatch observations anywhere.
not sure about the center part of the state, but here in the western part, the hatch on the slippery rock was on last week, but the water was a little high and off color, limiting raising fish, at least where I fish it. probably over now, it was tapering off by the end of last week. one clue I use, look for cedar waxwings in the evening, they LOVE whiteflies and seem to know when they will hatch
biker: did you happen into any smallies on SRC last week?
oh yeah, smallies were being caught, mostly 10 inchers or so. lost one that went about 16. hatch was good, but raising fish seemed less than years past, probably due to the high water. still good smallie fishing though, poppers usually produce for me, streamers also, have to find the fish though, where I go pressure seems to be up compared to years past, lots of bait guys(yep, littering bastards!). might be our economic times, no work, might as well fish, it's cheap! wish they would pick up their trash though, getting tired of carrying it out.
sorry to hear about that -- I'm thinkin of maybe goin down to the FFO section tomorrow - try to see if I can find any smallies down stream a little bit
I saw a decent amount of white flies on the E BR Brandywine in the DHALO late this afternoon. I don't usually pay attention to bugs but I couldn't help but notice them flying around.

Caught one and took a really blurry picture so I could maybe ask you guys to ID it but the picture is so bad i just looked it up on google and that's definitely what they were. No further confirmation needed.