Spey / switch rods



Well-known member
Sep 9, 2006
I was wondering if any one uses a switch or spey rod when they fish for smallies . If so would you be able to cast a weighted fly like a clouser with the rod . I was thinking that this would be a good idea for fishing big rivers because so you could easly cover alot of water
I just picked up a T&T 10ft 7wt switch/spey for this purpose. I will post a report after I get it out on the D. I can say from lawn and pond casting that these things should be outlawed! I have never thrown a line so far in my life!
How do you spey cast on the lawn?

I don't know much about it, but I always assumed that water tension was critical, much like a roll cast. Are you just using a traditional fly cast method?
I just had a fellow from the flyandfloatfishing.com website on the river. He brought a 10 1/2 foot switch rod with him that we played around with. It really does work well. You can cast the rod with one hand very easily (and we were fishing a sink tip with a large--four inch--wieghted fly), but two-handed casts worked great while wading deep. This is great new way to fish big
water--not to mention something new to play with.

Check out his site at www.flyandfloatfishing.com for some great info on switch rods and other stuff you always wanted to know.
Thanks for the info Yough
I've used one for steelies out west but I don't know much about using one for smallies. Do you think it is needed? :)
Well you can cover alot of water with little effort . I like to fish big flies and big rivers for smallies and the more water I can cover the better . Especially like now were the water is low and clear and the big ones spot you before you are even in casting distance so I want to maximise my time on the water easier long casts, better line control, catching bigger fish = a smile on my face :-D
I have one coming out in Sept..
Post some pics Sandfly :cool:
i had a 10 1/2 - 5/6 wt trilogy for smallies and found I overhead casted more than spey casting - spey casting is more or less for drifting and swinging - most of the warm water rivers are slow moving and with SM you do a lot of striping, so to get the line out faster i wouldn't roll cast it, not to say you can't shoot line spey casting. anyhow, my point is I now primarily use a 9 footer fast action rod and using the longer rod was a fad. speying for SM would be best in winter / spring.
This looks like he wouldn't have any problem stripping after he casts the rod

Well I got my 6/7 Beulah switch rod and my elixer line and I used it last Fri on the susky. I am not at all disapointed I could cast wieghted flies with ease at long distances . I could mend my line with ease when needed fish both poppers and streamers with ease . I haven't really messed with the spey casting yet because I was afraid that I would pic up some bad habits . So I bought this DVD today so I can get every benefit from this rod. Here is a clip from the dvd if your intrested http://jpflyfishing.com/videos/srct_BD.htm
Fred you'll have to let me know how the video is. From what I've seen of it and of his other instructional video's he know's what he's talkin about.

I just picked up an Echo SR 10'10" 6wt I'm stocked about. Bealah's look sweet but a bit pricey for me the cheapskate. I got a good deal on this one so we'll see how it goes. I'm excited to try it out on big water for smallies as well as bigger NY water for steel.

Now to find a line that will load the rod well. Should be interesting.
Its good so far I haven't watched the whole video yet . This video shows you how to use all the benifits of the switch rod to your advantage . I would like to give the steel a try one day but I'm not into crowds when I fish I get mad when someone I don't know casts in front me and i let them know it ;-)
Looks like the word is getting out