Lower Susquehanna



Active member
Feb 23, 2009
Took my daughter out on a local stretch of the river. I was surprised by the lack of fish of any kind, with the exception of small cats. We had 9 in the boat before she got tired of fishing. (circle hooks, crawlers and a sliding float) One had a skin lesion the rest looked healthy.

Typically we’d be spooking bass or least several hundred carp from the areas we drifted through. We maybe spooked three fish the entire evening.

The fishing’s been poor for quite a few years, but I feel like it’s gotten even worse this year. I think my 8 weight may start to gather dust this year unless I hit some lakes.
I have fished the lower end twice this year . With about a average of 4 fish an outing but every one was over 14" so I can't complain about that to much . But the water did have a sewer type of smell to it that reminded me of a section of the Skuke were a treatment plant dumps in a little up stream that I used to fish allot that also has extremely declined in fish numbers.
For a hint on when and where to fish, see PFBC biologist reports....Susq R....Area 6.