cheap flies?



Well-known member
Sep 10, 2006
Greensburg, PA
I was looking around for ideas and came across this site...I know not everyone ties and every now and then someone is looking for a place for affordable flies. Not sure whether this one was ever mentioned but it looks ok.

That site is pretty good if you want to buy a dozen of one size/pattern.

I've been happy with this site Flydealer. Within a pattern, you can buy say 3 flies in each of 4 different sizes and get the discount for buying a dozen.
Mostly get them off Ebay, Usually can find some great deals on there.
Gander Mountain .99 cents for all patterns
Why not help out your local shops, and buy freom them..
I don't buy them at all. I just posted this because I remembered a thread in the past where this was discussed and this one didn't look familiar. I will be checking out your shop, though, when I'm up for the jam.
Imported junk tied by foreigners that have never seen a trout stream in their LIFE!!!!!!!! That's the ONLY way you'll ever see a trout fly being sold for 56 cents. The color of that Hendrickson isn't even CLOSE!!!!!!!

The patterns below are good examples of why they are selling for 56 cents. Clumped bodies, uneven ribbing, oversized thorax, and total bad proportions on the flies. This garbage isn't even worth 56 cents. What a ripoff.
And they take pictures of their GOOD ones.....

Many fly shops sell foriegn flies though too.....
I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that I could catch a trout on either or both of those flies. Bring them to the Jam; I'll take them off your hands for $0.54 apiece.
I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that I could catch a trout on either or both of those flies.

Would that be before or after the the cheap hook gets rusty, the tail falls off, the loosely wrapped dubbing comes unraveled, or the wingcase splits? :lol: that deer hair on the back end of that "Flashback Hares Ear NYMPH"? I bet that makes for an interesting presentation. Tail up, head down. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Festus wrote:
I bet that makes for an interesting presentation. Tail up, head down. :lol: :lol: :lol:

There have been times I could relate.... :pint:
I'm gonna add two cents and then beg.

First the two cents. I've paid through the nose for a flies from a flyshop I really, really like. I think his flies are $0.25 or so more than other flyshops, and flyshops aren't cheap. I get a lot of flies there because the flies I get last all season, and even into the next. I've caught more fish than I can believe on a couple snowshoe rusty spinners. For all the use I got out of those flies and all the abuse they weathered, those were some amazingly cheap flies. Don't write off flyshops and local tyers, a good tie lasts. IMHO, it is a lot cheaper to buy flies than to tie your own, what with all the unused materials I have stacked and boxed and lost around my flytying bench.

Now the begging. Festus, for God's sake... Please, I am on my knees (OK, metaphorically... if I were actually on my knees, I'd be flat on the floor.) PLEASE DON'T POST PICTURES OF ANYTHING I TYE!!!
Padraic wrote:
IMHO, it is a lot cheaper to buy flies than to tie your own, what with all the unused materials I have stacked and boxed and lost around my flytying bench.

I'm going to have to disagree with this statement for a couple of reasons.

First...I'm a cheapskate...I don't buy #1 necks...I don't buy anything unless I need it. ...I don't spend over $150 dollars a year on material...I probably spend a whole lot less on most years. I easily tie more than 150 flies in the same amount of time. I got a good deal on my vice..( $40 ) I still hve my first whip finisher, bodkin, bobbin (although I have 3 more than when I started I didn't pay more than $5 for any of them)...point is, again, I'm a cheapskate.

Second...Gander mtn and orvis are the only 2 shops within 20 miles of me. Even at .99 per fly...IF they have the flies I want, I have to drive to get them...only the orvis shop (20 miles) is on the way to any fishing destination so the additional drive is costing me money.

Lastly (for now)...with the materials I have accumulated, I could, most likely, tie up anything that I need thats already in any of my boxes.

When I do buy materials...I usually don't leave the shop having spent more than $20...If I do its because someone gave me some money for a birthday or something.

I could go on...but I think I spend less than I would if I bought flies...If I get one stuck in a tree (unless its right there) I don't even bother...If I had paid a buck for that fly...I might have to do the tip-toe-reach dance more often which takes time and spooks fish.
I know one thing. My hackle expenses took a nosedive when a friend of mine discovered my penchant for cheap CDC. :-D