The Little J-10/25



Sep 10, 2006
A friend and I fished the Little J last Thursday for the first time. We got there around 9:00am and started catching fish within a few minutes. What a great stream! I thank the judge for his decision in letting us fish it. We fished near a quarry below Spruce Creek in the morning and each caught about 10-12 fish. The nicest was a 16" brown. Then we went to the Spruce Creek Tavern for lunch. (2) bacon cheese burgers, (2) cokes, a "small" fry (it was a 6" high pile of fries on a lunch tray) and a Molson for $13.00. What a deal! We then went to the Baree area as Maurice recommended to me. We fished upstream until we came to a train bridge where we saw two other fishermen coming down stream. We got out of the water and walked the bank around them. As we passed them, I asked how far they had been upstream, they told me, I thanked them and we moved on. We continued to fish for a few hours and headed back to the truck to go home.

I know this is borderline fishing report and if the mods want to put it there that's fine but here's why I posted in the general topics. When we got back to the truck, one of the two guys we passed, had decided a tree wasn't a good place to **** so instead pissed on my door handle. They also left an empty can of snuff on my roof. There was only one other car in the lot so I know it was them. I still can't figure out what prompted the jerkoff to do that. We got out of the water about a 100 yards below them. I was very polite when I asked how far up they had fished. And I parked a good 8-10 feet from them.

So if anyone is planning on fishing the Little J anytime soon, beware of the mad pisser. They were in a tan pickup with a topper and a bumper sticker for some branch of the military. I was excited to fish and didn't really pay too much attention their vehicle. I know it could have been worse but that was a crappy ending to a great day of fishing. Anyone ever experience something like that?
Fly Flinger,

What do you expect? You’re fishin’ THEIR River!

I had a similar experience. I was also fishing the Little J near Spruce Creek. There was plenty on room to fish, and where I was, there were no other fisherman in sight. Two “fisherman” walked in and one waded below and one above me trying to crowd me out. Just to burn THEM up a little more, I gave them a friendly “catchin any” and they grumbled something about no fish in here. I stood my ground for about 20 minutes. When I appeared not to be upset and not to be moving, they left. I worked my way up a couple of hundred yards to fish a nice run and Kerthunk!! A rock landed in the middle of the river in front of where I was fishing. I looked back, and didn’t see anyone, but I can guess who it was.

Back at the parking lot I ran into an older guy putting on his waders, and told him the story. He shook his head and said “them jagoffs think they own the River.” There are some locals in the area doing their best to try to run all us alien fisherman (not from within a 10 mile radius) out of the River. A lot of them blame the Internet for publicizing the Little J. I believe that some of the same tribe tried to run the FFP site off the Internet for that reason. I’m glad that FFP reconsidered and opened the forum back up.

As with any stream, pick up all litter you see, be respectful to other fisherman, and care for each and every fish you catch (and release). My suggestion to all is if you planned to fish the Little J do it. Don’t let anyone bully you off the stream. In fact I will make it a point to fish there more often. Good luck.
That is so sad, spoiling the fishing on such a beautiful river. Can you definately say it was locals? Donny are you proud of what you did to the fly fishing heaven that used to be.

Good point, they could have been SRC guys, but I wasn’t fishing in that stretch. These guys were pretty young, and from their attire and equipment, didn’t fit the SRC profile.

With the SRC coming to town, and all the ensuing BS going on in the area, I don’t blame some folks for being a little upset. All the more reason for the real sportsmen to close ranks and fight for the PRIVLEDGE to fish such waters throughout the State.
Has anyone alerted the local WCO of these incidents?

It is against the law to harrass law abiding fishermen. Complaints to the WCO of incidents in their area cannot go unchecked. Not reporting them causes the problem to linger longer.

Afterall, the F&BC is here to provide angling opportunities for the license buyer. Thats what the other $22 is for. Only another $8 goes toward the trout. You might as well get what you pay for.
I dont like Donny either but you cant go blaming this on him!

Two wrongs dont make a right.

If guys waded in my pool "on pupose" I would have done my best to snag their lines!
There is no place for these actions on any of our streams. Please report any action to the proper law enforcement agencys, once they get a couple reports on the same folks action will be taken.
Yes, definitely report them. Call the PFBC law enforcement people and give them all the details: the description of the individuals, the vehicle etc.
Here's the phone number: 717-486-8227

(If anybody ever needs the law enforcement numbers, you can find them on page 42 of the regulations booklet you get with your license. You could probably find them on the PFBC website also.
Hmmmm....People who think Spruce and Little J are "their" water. Two guys. Military stickers on the truck. Hmmm. Too bad the 58th street trout posse isn't around anymore. Maybe they could get to the bottom of this. :roll:

Matt Boyer wrote:

"Hmmmm....People who think Spruce and Little J are "their" water. Two guys. Military stickers on the truck. Hmmm. Too bad the 58th street trout posse isn't around anymore. Maybe they could get to the bottom of this."


Matt, I know who you are referring to in your post. It was not him in my incident. I know that person. I've met him before at one of the local fly shops, and even messed around with him and cast one of his new rods. IT WAS NOT HIM!

Everyone can do as they please, but confronting people like that is not a good idea. I agree that I should have reported the incident even though they were long gone. Hopefully these were isolated incidents.
I think that if anyone here has a problem with people bothering you on any stream. I will be glad to come and help resolve the problem for you, accually I would probally enjoy it :-D :hammer:
I actually didn't mean that it was the two from here, but I'm sure they know who it is. They had help getting the other site shut down, and from what they've said they were locals. I have no ill will towards those two. They believe in what they are doing, it's just that their extremity in method was a bit much for me. Hell I'm sure if I met them I'd probably get along with them.


When I was 18 or 20 years old I probably would have picked up a boulder and hurled it at their heads. I’ve grown up a bit and realized (after a few broken noses and busted knuckles) that two wrongs don’t make a right (and no one really wins in a fist fight or a gun battle). The fact is they left more pissed off than me because I didn’t do what they wanted me to do – leave the river or pick a fight.

One of the reasons why I fish is too get away from that BS. Hopefully we all can get back to the talking more about fishin’ than fightin’.
I pefer to use verbal kungfu even though I love to go to the next step, but I don't like to go to jail on the other side . I am really good at handling confrontation I can either defuse or escalate the situation but I love to play head games with people like that. I have had people try to push me out of a hole I usually just show them how good my back cast is up close or I just cast right in front of them or when I leave I just walk right through the hole and spoke the fish and say have a nice day. You could call the cops but for people messing with your car, for the most part they don't care they will act like they do of course. But dose anyone here have a story of the cops doing anything about situations like this ? I just feel if you let them do it that they will do it again to someone that can't stand up for themselves until they run into someone like me that will play the game back on them... :-D
I don't think these guys were with SRC. I'm just happy they didn't decide to break windows or steal anything. I had several guns and fly rods in the back as I was headed to the cabin to go turkey hunting the next day. Like I said, it could have been worse but that was the first time anyone has ever done anything I consided blatantly disrespectful. I do get upset when someone crowds me but it rarely a fly fisherman so I chalk it up to them not knowing how a fly fisherman fishes. I didn learn a lesson though and that is to take better mental notes of the vehicles and people I run into on the stream. I'm pretty sure I would recognize the truck if I saw it again. Especially if at the little j.

But like afishinado said, if you plan on fishing the little j, do it. it's a great stream loaded with trout. although we didn't get any really big fish, I can see how the potential is there.
Fly Flinger, Are you going to report this incident to PFBC law enforcement?
fly_flinger wrote:
Then we went to the Spruce Creek Tavern for lunch. (2) bacon cheese burgers, (2) cokes, a "small" fry (it was a 6" high pile of fries on a lunch tray) and a Molson for $13.00. What a deal! /quote]

fly-flinger, please refrain from posting these obvious COMMERCIALS on the board. little J syas we are not allowed.... :-D :-D :-D :-D
I have a thought lets have a minni jam at the little J right on the SRC section. I think it would be a hit with the SRC . And every time that one of us have a problem there we should have another one. :-D
Yes. I tried to call twice but the line was busy. I'll will report this though. I didn't think about last week but I should have called that day. Thanks for posting the phone #.
Sorry for the commercial. It will be the last from me.