SE streams are opening up



Active member
Sep 13, 2006
A drive along some sections of the Perky on Sunday revealed that the stream is opening up and flowing after being frozen since the beginning of the year. Even some of the smallest tribs are opening up.
Stone flies are hatching wherever there is open water. The birds are chowing down on them.
Yo Chaz

Thanks for the encouraging report. But are the trouts joining the birds in the stoney chowdown?
you beat me to it chaz - as of last night the white Clay, Red Clay and Mill Creek were ice free and running a little coloured.

that suggests to me that the EB of the Brandywine is likewise.

Gages are up but on their way down, AFAIK there was no blow out.

the redds and tribs should be in good order for the spring spawning hatch.

a good time to fish an olive over white clouser ;-)
EBB is trashed and will likely be like that the rest of the week with more big rain coming this wknd. They did a very poor job stocking it. Granted, the weather was terrible. I wished I had gone to help, but couldn't
yup, by the time i got home they were all chocolate milk.

it looks like spring creeks or tailwaters this weekend.
TDB how do you know it was a poor job??
I spoke with a guy that was there and said very few fish. I walked the creek afterwards and saw that they stopped in 4 locations and at 3 of those there was only one set of footprints to the water. Like I said, I'm not throwing stones. I know the weather was bad. It is just a little rough seeing it gets pounded by guys and is actually a nice 1+ mile stretch that usually gets a decent amount of fish
Thanks sounds like up here also, find the nearest bridge or acces and dump them. I guess help is hard to find and like you said the weather doesn't help. At least the're getting stocked.
Going to help stock the east branch perk this weekend. Will see how that stocking goes. The part of the creek is still locked up pretty go by my house but not to sure about the stocking points. Have not walked the stream yet this year. May do that today to get an idea for this weekend. Gage is up over half a foot so they are all probably blown out but will see.
Warmer temps with the rain has some smaller creeks open but flooded due to ice jams. Should be good in a couple of days.
these spates will distribute the fish. fresh stockies have no idea what to do in a flood.
I am gonna get out this weekend to see how the fishing is on some of these streams, either valley or one of the special regs areas. If you see a guy who looks like he hasn't caught a fish all day on the water this weekend, say hi, its probably me your local newbie.
just my .02 but if you're a noob, Valley is a tough starting block.

its a little easier when its high and coloured, but otherwise them are some picky fish.

i've had the best luck with a #20 black zebra nymph on 6x under a neutral coloured indicator.

I have had a little luck on the Valley, been there twice so far and got skunked the first time and broker my rod. Second time I pulled two nice little fish out in about an hour and a half of fishing. Wasn't bad but you are right they are picky fish. I was fishing a zebra midge under an elk hair (felt the indicator would scare the crud out of them).
The trout on the East Branch Brandywine may not have been spread out to the anglers' likings due to the snow on the ground, a lack of any voluntary float stocking as an alternative, or for some other reason, but the "few fish" comment is not accurate. The numbers going to that section of stream have not changed.