Resident goose season opens Thursday.



Active member
Feb 23, 2009
The early statewide season for resident Canada geese will open Sept. 1. Thursday. If you're planning on hitting the susky early (or even quite a few trout streams) it will be fun/interesting/terrifying all at the same time. Thursday and Saturday will be the worst.

Don't think the the smaller streams are exempt. The FFO stretch of Codorus Creek is crazy.
I won't be goose hunting but dove also opens on thursday. Count me in! Seriously though, if you are fishing in areas open to hunting, you should wear an orange hat.
Great PSA! Thanks barrybarry!
FFO stretch on the codorus? There's no FFO section on the codorus only one in York is Muddy creek.
How do Geese taste ?
Fredrick wrote:
How do Geese taste ?

My cousin got a few geese last year. He has a smoke house he built and cut the meat into jerky strips and smoked it. It was honestly some of the best jerky I've ever tasted.
"how do geese taste?"

Well somewhat a matter of opinion and also what they have been eating. I would describe them as relatively gamey tasting. The trick is to cook them med rare to rare otherwise it's pretty bad. I generally harvest about 15-25 per year and at the end of the season I take them all to the butcher and have sausage, jerky and snack sticks made out of it.... mix in enough pork and anything is good. on its own not my favorite

Also, I often hear people say "I love duck or goose" but they are referring to farm raised..... wild is a totally different ballgame, super dark low fat meat, nothing like what you get from a restaurant
" How do they taste?"

My recipe is as follows:

Clean the bird and CAREFULLY remove the breast. Take a bamboo skewer and poke several holes in the meat. Then prepare a marinade of red wine, sesame oil, ginger and a pinch or two of cayenne pepper. Refrigerate over night or up to 24 hours.

Place the breast on a cedar plank on the middle rack of a pre-heated 350 degree oven. Place a pan below the plank to collect the drippings. Roast, uncovered for about 2-1/2 hours or until the internal temp reaches 165 degrees.

Remove the bird from the oven, and let it rest for 15 minutes.

To serve, throw the goose away and eat the plank...

What is the limit for them they are thick as thieves in some areas .
during the regular season limit is 3 per day, but I think in early resident it is 8 depending on where you are in state? I don't hunt the resident season as it just doesn't feel right hunting waterfowl in 90 degree weather
Uncle Shorty, you had me thinking/drooling for a minute!
Flyflicker, yeah, the guy who told it to me got me good...
I'd like to share this little tidbit an old timer once told me regarding Goose hunting;

Back in the day, there were apparently some places near the Pymatuning Management area, that would process your goose. Leonards' advise: You take your goose there... and leave. Without it.
"Come huntin season, they're (geese) great sport.
"Come eatin season, they ain't worth a f...."
Although illegal to give or sell,dove makes amongst the finest soft hackle there is.

You have to take them yourself though.
I had an "encounter" on the Susquehanna North Branch on Thursday. This guy was blasting away from his kayak randomly. This was a residential area, houses near the river bank and a road right by the river.

I quickly stepped out of the river and started filming with my camera, he saw me filming and hid the shotgun inside the yak, proceeded down river and I heard no more shots.

The regs are pretty loose on this, I read that no hunting zones exist within 150 yards of any home / residence.
This is pretty accurate information. You are allowed to hunt in residential areas so long as there is no established safety zones or firearms restrictions like Pittsburgh. You need to stay 150 yards away from an occupied building while using a firearm, 25 yards away from a road, and only 50 yards away if you are hunting archery. You can actually hunt closer if you have landowner permission. The guy was probably within a legal zone but shooting randomly and not at a target is illegal.
Sort of heard the same recipe using Carp instead of goose!!
Stimey wrote:
during the regular season limit is 3 per day, but I think in early resident it is 8 depending on where you are in state? I don't hunt the resident season as it just doesn't feel right hunting waterfowl in 90 degree weather

Bag limits vary by area. Check accordingly.

Also, if you see me and my dekes out somewhere, give a wave hello. I don't mind fishermen at all!