Lost this, or that. Slap an address or contact on that box, net, or rod case.



Jun 19, 2012
I've been seeing posts about this or that floating downstream, out of the grasp of its owner. Probably not a bad idea to slap an address label or at least a phone number on the back of a fly box. I put a luggage tag on my rod case, mostly because it helps me tell it from my brother's when they are both in the truck.

But it occurs to me that having contact info on fly boxes, nets, etc. might not be a bad idea. Without it, you have to hope that a PAFF member finds it, otherwise even an honest boater has to take time to track down a ranger, or take it to the office, etc. It's not convenient and we live in a world of convenience.

I was at Disney World picking up comp tickets at customer service, when a guy was retrieving his lost item: A camera bag, complete with video camera, car keys, and his wallet with cash. His family was in tears when the employee handed over everything that a park patron had turned in. I think most people would do the right thing, we just need to make it easier.
Guilty as charged...
I've been meaning to do this to some of my gear for awhile now. After reading all these posts yesterday I finally did it.
Good point. +1 Albatross GG