Looking for female fly fisher to write...



New member
Dec 30, 2008
I am looking for a female fly fisher to write a short series (2 or 3 posts) on fly fishing as a woman...visit http://projectflyfish.org to read my past posts and use the Contact me link at the bottom left of the page if you are interested.

Some stats: New posts go up every Monday. Currently I have @ 40 unique readers a day. I am directly linked to by fishpondusa.com.
Welcome to the board. The site has a strict no advertising policy within the forums which often presents difficult decisions for moderators when posts such as your appear. We do have some women FF's here and so my inclination is to allow this thread to remain in the main forum for a day or so to allow it to be noticed as it seems your request has noble and non-commercial intentions.

In the future, ask yourself whether your post may be construed as an advertisement and tailor it to eliminate any aspect that touches upon advertising. One of the Forums is entitled "PA Fly Fishing Annoucements and Events" and post such as this that may have some "advertising" aspects have a bit more berth in that forum. For instance, notices for TU Banquets, fundraisers, free tying demonstration associated with commercial enterprises, etc., may be more readily tolerated there.

This is only the opinion of one moderator. The others, including our site owner/host may disagree with me in either direction and may move or eliminate your thread or even tell me to back off. Thanks for your understanding. With this said, we welcome your participation in our community.