Fly Fishing, The Internet, and SpotBurning



Sep 6, 2013
This flat-brimmer makes some good points. Regarding Pa, do you think the internet/social media has been beneficial to the sport?
I agree with the guy on the video.

Can't say that internet has been all good for the sport. I'm old school but not quite old enough to start yelling at clouds.

So I take the good with the bad. Well, I try to ignore the bad.

Part of the enjoyment is figuring things out on my own. Ask a general question, get a general answer.

I don't want to be spoon fed, therefore I don't spoon feed others.

It's been awhile since we had a discussion like this. This could get interesting.

Overall, yes, by highlighting that there are so many places to fish.

I don't like spoon feeding. Go to this river, park in this spot, etc.

But showing that there are thousands of viable wild trout fisheries in the state, and not everyone goes to the well known places every time. And showing the tools available to find them. Yeah, I think it's good.

And, for old thread's sake. Yes, this guy is a flatbrimmer.
This is funny, because I've personally known the Huge flyfisherman since 2011 & he's absolutely not a flat-brimmer. He'd make a whole video explaining why he isn't, if he knew. Maybe I'll suggest it.
While i agree with him your question is very broad.

Regarding Pa, do you think the internet/social media has been beneficial to the sport?

I say since PA anglers are like any other in the country. They almost all use social media or gadgets to connect through articles or so many ways.

I say if there was no internet for fly fishing. If it was off the internet and only left to those that remember it before all of this, it would die when they do.

So i vote its not only beneficial but needed.
If it wasn't for the online resources I would not be able to do even a quarter of the fishing that I do. That is unless like he said you go old school and start using books and maps which I usually supplement internet with anyways but it is much more readily available online.

Also I have met some great people that have DRASTICALLY improved my fishing in just one season. It's kind of crazy for me to think about even and that would not have been possible without these resources.

On the other hand though there was a guy on reddit (the site in the video he's referencing) that watched a youtube fishing video and then posted a $20 bounty for anyone who could pin that spot on a map and verify it. Rough.
I think the whole concept of "spot burning" is BS, except perhaps for very small streams.

There were where-to books long before the internet (heck, I've been guided to some pretty nice spots from reading Bergman's Trout, published in 1939.)

There were crowds long before the internet:


If anything, the internet has spread people out somewhat, although I'm not convinced that many people actually follow up on info they stumble across on-line.

Fly shops probably do far more pushing people to particular streams than random posts to a forum. (Of course some of the fly shops info is posted on-line.) It's in their financial interest to do so.

Out of curiosity, how many people reading this have ever gone to a new stream based solely on seeing it mentioned in a forum? I know I haven't.
redietz wrote:
... although I'm not convinced that many people actually follow up on info they stumble across on-line.
Some of the best streams that I fish were "stumbled across on-line". But, further research was done before committing to fishing them.
wildtrout2 wrote:

Some of the best streams that I fish were "stumbled across on-line". But, further research was done before committing to fishing them.

I should have also asked if was on a forum, or was someone promoting a stream?
I dont necessarily consider flat brimmer an insult. Well, no worse of one than any other shoebox we throw people in, anyway.
Well, I think of Skues, Bergman, Brooks, Hewitt, Dette, Darbee, Wulff, Goudy, Gaddis, Leisenring, Flick, Gordon, Fox, Marinaro, Bates, Stevens, etc. etc. How did they do it! I guess these people were so good all the news followed them by letter, mouth, friendship.

With the internet, you get all the loose screws, rusty nails, make believers, false wisdom. Dim lights, less hope, more hope, new flies, old flies, my flies, best flies and worst flies! When a good person comes along, it is hard to figure, Their drift! Internet has made fishing a true science and kind of took the fun away! Most likely, all you read, you kind of already knew. You just did not do it or practice it! From old fishing to new fishing, what has changed! I thought fishing was to be fun. Take all the fun away and plant yourself on the internet. Spend hours talking about how it was or it is now! Spend your time on the internet, so, my friends and I, can spend more time fishing, without the know it alls. I can keep some, I can cook some, I can land some, I can fish in cold or hot times. I can fish everywhere! My way! And all the internet users with glassy eyes can say, you did it wrong!

Also figure this, with internet, you get me! I was fine doing my gig, before internet arrived. Internet says" Maxima12 your wrong". Before internet said," I want to go along" and catch some, "Maxima, will you bring the pan and butter"! Yep, and a bunch of cold ones too!
Maxima must have been hacked—this post makes perfect sense!
Damn, Red is one smart dude. I laughed when a buddy took me to Big Fishing Creek and said not to talk about it, we want to keep the pressure low. As Red said the only thing I would worry about being burned is small streams, but there are just so many gems in PA. I like larger streams and rivers so that's rarely an issue for me.

Definitely a down vote for flat brimmer, guy couldnt be anything further from imho.
I agree with Ben.
The state website kinda spot burns itself with the class a map/stocked map
redietz wrote:
.....Out of curiosity, how many people reading this have ever gone to a new stream based solely on seeing it mentioned in a forum? I know I haven't.
I agree. I’ve always done more research before attempting to fish a stream that intrigued me in a forum. I first pick the brain of my mentors who are now in their 70s and 80s. Usually one or more of those guys has been there before. I also check my 4 reference books which have some pretty good info, although streams do change so the books don’t always match the current reality. Those books are:

Meck’s Pennsylvania Trout Streams and Their Hatches (1989)
Dave Wolf’s Flyfisher’s Guide to Pennsylvania (1999)
John Ross’ America’s 100 Best Trout Streams (2005)
Armstrong’s Guide to Pennsylvania Limestone Streams (1992)

The PAFF website has been a catalyst for me to expand my fishing trips beyond NWPA and NCPA. There are so many streams in those 2 regions that I never felt limited in any way. However as I started to read Stream Reports and the General Forum where topics like “which stream is better Penns or Little J”, it made me realize that I needed to test some new water in the state. So for me, the Internet has enhanced my fishing opportunities although I still favor NWPA and NCPA probably out of familiarity and personal tradition.

As far as spot burning, I agree that small WT waters that lack a special regs designation need to be handled very carefully. There is enough info out there on the PFBC website to lead people there. However some of those streams are very frequently discussed in streamside parking lots all across the state. When you hear the same stream name come up over and over, it seems like there is no harm making a post about that particular stream.
D-nymph wrote:
This is funny, because I've personally known the Huge flyfisherman since 2011 & he's absolutely not a flat-brimmer.

I don't know the guy, but my first impression of the video was he is not a flat-brimmer. Not that there is anything wrong with that.
drakeking412 wrote:

Also I have met some great people that have DRASTICALLY improved my fishing in just one season. It's kind of crazy for me to think about even and that would not have been possible without these resources.

So have I, but mostly without the help of "these resources."

Am i crazy? What I think is crazy is how the younger generation seems to relying solely on "these resources" for socializing. "LOOK AT ME!"

You never know what is hidden behind the electrons. IMO balance is needed.

Like I said, I'm old school. But I also say, to each their own.

I've shown people spots. Then they go there and bring several friends and then everytime I look at their facebook they have pics of fishing there with their friends. This has happened with hunting and fishing spots. So now I tell no one. The internet is a giant version of this. It certainly has helped people who otherwise would not have found some places. It has helped ruin a lot of places if you ask me.
ryansheehan wrote:
Damn, Red is one smart dude. I laughed when a buddy took me to Big Fishing Creek and said not to talk about it, we want to keep the pressure low.

BFC has a way of keeping the pressure low on its own.