FE Walter Dam 2008 Flow Plan Workshop



Sep 13, 2006

[color=000000]Mountain Laurel Resort-
Lake Harmony exit #277 off I-80, left on Rt. 940 for 200 feet, right just after the Wawa.
Pocono exit #95 off PA Turnpike, right on Rt. 940 for 200 feet, right just after the Wawa.

The question and answer period was mentioned in the press release last year, but it didn't happen and I don't know why. A few questions were asked during the presentation and the presenter seemed uncomfortable trying to answer those questions and it seemed like he was kinda put on the spot.[/color]
[color=000000]It was a short presentation tonight. Basically, the target storage level is going up from 1365' to 1370' and there are some adjustments to the releases. There was a question and answer period after the presentation this year.

The news that came as a real shock to me was that the bypass gates are not serviceable and will not be used at all this whole year. Every drop of water released will come from the bottom. The gates should be replaced next winter. I asked Gearge Sauls after the presentation why they didn't get fixxed this winter and he said there was too much inspection and planning that needed to be done and the gates require a six month lead time to get on site.

This poses a great risk of higher water temps this summer than we have seen in the last three years. There is no way to conserve the cold water at the bottom of the dam. It may be gone even earlier than the previous three years. This is what the plan called for when the bypass gates worked-
In order to conserve cold water in the reservoir, the bypass system will be utilized to the maximum extent possible to make releases. Once release temperature from the bypass reaches 68 degree F, all releases will be made from the flood control gates.
That can't happen now and I'm pretty bummed out about it. Oh, well.

Here are some rough snapshots of the guts of the 2008 plan.[/color]








Dear Mark,

Thanks for the info. I hope we have a somewhat normal year and they can stick to the flow regime and cover most or all of the releases.

I like how they are doing the 1:00 AM to 1:00 PM thing again, I think that is good idea and a much better than the old open 'em Friday at 4:00 PM and run them full bore until Sunday at 4:00 PM. At least nowadays you have the potnetial for fishing the evenings if you start somewhere close to the dam after the lump of water has passed.

Tim Murphy :)
Mark and all

THose who attended, I wish to say thanks. I thought the boater to angler representation was highly in favor of the boaters this year, which was unfortunate.

As for the Plan itself, I need to dive into it more and digest it. However, overall I think this is a step backwards from previous years. As I understand it, the Plan calls for more water in the reservoir, however the distribution of the water is questionable. By that I mean it appears all the water is planned to be used early in the recreational season and pray for rain near the end.

The Target min release volumes have been reduced and there is NO increase in augmentation values from previous years. In fact I will find it hard to believe if we see more than 50 cfs above inflow this season (if 100 cfs is coming into FEW that equals a 150 cfs release). The Plan states 50-250 cfs for augmentation, but there is nothing I found that shows how that is to be determined.

All this does not appear to bode well for the Lehighs aquatic resources. As I understand it, it appears Mr. Sauls (ACOE) has way to much flexibility in how he is going to release the water and I fear the worst for various reasons and past track record.

I will say they finally made some concessions for anglers in the beginning of April and October...but other than that, not much else for the angler or trout.

This is my first impression on the Plan. Once again it appears the fish will get the shaft. What really burns me is that the last 3 years there was a steady progression to increase the volume of water in the river. This seemed like good steps forward to building towards a "real plan" for the future of this fishery once the Water Quality/Flow Modeling study is complete.

I hope our PFBC stays on top of this situation all summer long to make sure the river and trout are recieving their fair share.

The bypass valves will be replaced at the end of the season with 2 new and improved models.

More to come.... if my opinion changes otherwise.

If anyone wishes to send comments, see the below contact information. Your comments should be constructive and discuss the good and bad with each plan and, most importantly, what you would like to see changed with the plans that will benefit the resource.

Send your comments to the following:




Please send any comments in by March 3rd deadline.