Dluton, K-bob, and myself - Saturday brookie trip pictures



Well-known member
Jan 31, 2008
Lebanon, PA
Got out on Sat., the 26th, with K-bob and Dluton for some brookies. This is a very good stream but not on this day, we only ended up with 20ish between the 3 of us.

Cold weather, combined with very high, cold water fed by fresh snowmelt did it in. The cold water meant the fish held tight to bottom. They'd hit if you could get it to stay down there, but the roaring water on the high gradient stream made it tough. On the bright side, Dluton got his first native brookie, and it was a great day to be out in the wild areas again.

Here are the pics. Hit pause, and it allows you to go through them at your own pace. Hit full screen for better size.

Wonderful pics and a beautiful stream! :)
Nice guys, that stream looks really beautiful! Thinking Neast of Jim Thorpe on it's location.
I'll say thats wrong, but not tryin to give away the location here. People who have fished it will recognize it, those who haven't won't, and thats just fine. The stream name isn't the point, there's lots of these in this state.
Nice pics. Dang winter.
Yeah nice looking pics and stream you got there Pat. There's a ton of gradient there. I'm sure it fishes fantastically when the conditions are good.

What were those white circles in the one pic? Was that just ice?
foam ice. That was kinda neat. Perfectly round discs of frozen foam.
That's what I thought it was, pretty cool. Must have formed from rotating in the current.
Hi Sal ti's been a while since we conversed , I see your CHild is growing and appears happy and heathy hope your family is also.

I writing because I thought you were involved with a brook trout project of some kind... and I am concerned regarding the brookie population of Lancaster Counties Trout Run ... the stream is stocked below the railroad tunnel on Pennsy Road therefore is approved trout water and regulated as such through the wild brook trout population upstream..... doesn't this put the population at risk of over harvest and disaease ?

This is very upsetting to me
please ooffer any suggestonis as to who to contact regarding this policy

possibly Bachman ? and yes I've forgotten his first name thought it was mike..

Thanks in advance for any assistance you can provide

PC- agree with your assertion that the fish were hugging the bottom.

Hit a brookie stream yesterday and only the smallest fish came up for dries. The bigger ones fell for buggers.

Not much of a small stream guy but with high water and it being cold out I did'nt feel like traveling too far to fish in those conditions.

When I brookie fish I like to use dries only but yesterday the fish dicated the tactics.


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Acristic, great pics. Your stream looked to be in better shape than the one we were on, and I assume the noticable lack of snow had a lot to do with that. It was unmelted snow, and cold the whole way up, so I was wondering why the water was so high. Once we got on top, it became obvious. The top was in full sun, the snow got soft, and the washouts were flowin heavy.

Ah well, spring is coming, and it was a fun day even if we jumped the gun a bit.
Nice pics pcray. Thanks for sharing.
Yep, this stream gets more attention than I originally thought. That sheer rock face is a dead give away (for those who have been there) as to what stream it is. It's still too early for the best fishing though. Nice pics. ;-)

You can call the PFBC and you can talk to Mike K.

I highly doubt there is anything you can do.
Pcray and Akid,very nice. Proof that trout don't live in ugly places. Bet it was peaceful,best church on the face of the earth. GG
Thank you for sharing your pics ,past several years i been flinging on lil brookie streams and enjoy this fishing at times more than big rivers or creeks.Although i have only used dries,and dry dropper techniques, i have entertained gettin down n dirty using nymphs..just imagining the bird's nests that will occur lol.Love the pics keep em coming.
Tight Wraps & Tight Lines
Rick Wallace
Cool Pat. I like the feeling of closeness you get when fishing the little places. Kinda like the creek is your little buddy. Cant help but wonder if anybody took any spills?

Paul native brookie fishing. 1st time I remember seeing that.
great pics Pat! looks like a fantastic stream! thanks for sharing
Squaretail: Yes there were thrills and spills but few chills even in low 30s weather... we kept moving. But one way or another -- in summer, ive run into rattlers and bears on streams like this, and balance is always an issue -- seems you need to keep paying attention.

Not the greatest day of catching, but a very good day of fishing, thanks guys!