2019 Seasonal Fish Review



Active member
Jun 25, 2012
Last night I was looking back on some fish photos and decided to put together a little fish seasonal review of the year. This was a pretty interesting year of fishing for me. I ended up exploring a ton of new water, which was and will continue to be my goal going forward. I'm much more interested in exploring new ravines than catching the same fish over and over again. The only downside to this year was the lack of bass on the Susquehanna River. It was pretty terrible on the section that I usually fish. Here's hoping that changes this year... Also, big shoutout to Hopback for exploring some of these waters with me. Good dude to fish with.


I've always loved fishing in the winter. It may be harder to catch anything, but there are far fewer people and with all the undergrowth dormant, you can really see the riverine landscape you're exploring. I started the year with a pretty beautiful brown trout and then began to fall in love with exploring post-industrial watersheds.



I took advantage of the high water we had throughout the spring and fished streamers for large brown trout and continued exploring those post-industrial streams we have throughout the state. I also landed what was probably my personal best wild brown trout while casting a black woolly bugger upstream and stripping it down through a riffle into a deep hole under a tree.


The Summer

Summer was fun. I started it off up in Potter County and ended up finding some beautiful brook trout elders in small streams. Then, we took a few days in the Catskills before I ventured up to the West Branch of the Penobscot in Maine for a week of fishing. Maine was, as always, beautiful and inspiring. But this time the fishing was tough due to their long, wet spring and the black flies were mind-bogglingly torturous. Finally, I ended the summer with a ten day trip out to Yellowstone and the Bighorns with a good friend I hadn't seen in years. I ended up camping 4.5 out of the 10 weeks I had off.




After my summer of traveling and camping, I slowed down quite a bit in the fall. I went back to work and fell into that routine. I didn't catch a ton of fish, but I did manage to land a few really nice ones. I was really hoping to finally get into some bass on the Susquehanna River, but the river never really seemed to wake up. I did manage to get into two of the most beautiful trout I've ever landed.


Wow....good stuff!!

Great summary of a great year fishing by anyone's standards.

I'm with you on the Susky smallies. Hopefully next season will be better.
Very nice pictures! We should have an even better 2020 with all the new water we have lined up. Cant wait to get out there and do some more exploring.
Great photos, beautiful fish, all of them. If you and Hopback ever want to fish in MD give me a shout. I still owe him one for showing me a few good York streams a while back. This year was too chaotic for me to really plan any of my trips more than 12 hours in advance.

No complaints from me on the fishing front in 2019. Lot of quality brown trout to hand, handful of solid fish of other species, including shad, LMB, pickerel, of course brookies too. No real standouts though.

Continued to explore wild trout streams in MD and added a few more to my personal list which now stands at 68 streams. I might make a run at 100 this upcoming year, weather and free time permitting.
Good stuff buddy. I'm hoping to do some types of fishing I haven't done in a while in 2020 and explore some new areas. 2019 was a fun fishing year for me but I'm looking towards the future.
Sarce - very nice man! I would love to make it down your way at some point.

Jifigz - let's do some more exploring together dude! Hopback and I will make our way up soon...
What an awesome post and amazing photos, thanks for sharing. It's really nice to go back through photos and remember the fun times had and get pumped to go do it again next year.
Raftman, let me know. We will all plan something and hit some water.
Very nice.
Awesome pics! Did you ever make it out to Western Md?
No Western MD trip for me last year... maybe this year? I'll let you know if I do...
Those are some beauties! Love looking back at old pics to relive good times. Here’s to many more in 2020!
Thanks Klingy! Right back at ya man. You get into some solid fish yourself. I think we both have the summers off... hit me up with you ever want to head out.
2019 was mildly disappointing. Every chance I had to get out, poor water conditions. Add to that the substandard smallie fishing and it was maybe a 6 out of 10. The only good day I had was squashed by having a puking nephew in the boat. 1 mile into a 13 mile float had a 20", 21" and 18" in the net.....then the yacking started. "please take me off the river". I rowed 12 miles past hundreds of rising fish to get him to the take out.
Dang Andy that sucks big time. Was the nephew motion sick?

Hard to complain with 2019 we fished all most into July with the all the rain we had. Was a hard fall though low levels