orvis silver label???



New member
Jun 2, 2011
New member here and new to fly fishing. I am trying to put together a small mouth rig.I found an Orvis silver label tl 6wt
for sale. Can any one give me any info on this rod??? Thanks.
6wt is light for SMB imo. Used I would imagine the rod should be around $100.
Thanks jdady,
The seller says that the rod is in like new condition.Wants $135 for it.....I think 6wt is kinda light also,but the only other fly rod I have is a 2wt. Thinking 6wt for bigger water trout and SMB??? Let me know if I'm going in the wrong direction here.

snag wrote:
Thanks jdady,
The seller says that the rod is in like new condition.Wants $135 for it.....I think 6wt is kinda light also,but the only other fly rod I have is a 2wt. Thinking 6wt for bigger water trout and SMB??? Let me know if I'm going in the wrong direction here.

6wt would probably be fine here considering your desire to mix between SMB and larger stream trout.

Offer the guy $97.34 because it is statistically significant (you make it such with the offer) and he will accept it. If you want to nail it then $104.22 but you are leaving $7 of equity on the table.
Used to have an Orvis Silver Label 6wt, tip flex. That rod was a cannon! I caught bass, steelhead, and lots of large trout with it. Never once did I feel under-gunned with that rod. Mine was eaten by a branch while it was in the rod holder of my pontoon. It stopped the boat before it snapped.

Wish I still had it.....
I fished a silver label 6wt tip flex for about 9 years and I LOVED it. I could throw just about any bass bug I wanted to and if I had to could use it for big water trout as well. It was an amazing carp rod to boot.

Was my favorite rod for a very long time until I just got the Orvis Access.... WOW!
Thanks for all the info.