What waders?



Active member
Jul 18, 2010
I'm looking at LL Bean Rapid River waders. On sale and not available in stores now. I guess they're discontinuing.
Can I get an opinion from someone who's had them for a while? How is the bootie sizing - accurate, short, wide? How's the body sizing? How have they held up to briars?
I bought these waders when they first came out - I believe they were around $160.
The sizing was just about normal in all dimensions from what I remember.
I got almost a full season out of them, before they started leaking in the crotch area.
But then, I seem to have problems with every kind of wader that I try.

Just wondering - what are they selling for on close out?
Well, I got them. They were $159.00 online. I started an order but put it on hold.
On the way home from Somerset I stopped in the store in Center Valley. They were on the hanger for $129.00. AND they had a set that fit. glad I waited.
How is the boot sizing for them? I know that my wading boots that I got for Christmas were pretty much sized perfectly. They only had them in a 13 (which is my shoe size), so I took a chance. They fit GREAT. My last wading boots were Crapbellas, and I had to go a size bigger than my foot (and they lasted less than a season)
These are stocking foot. The neoprene feet fit's my size 8 VERY comfortably.