Canon D10



Active member
Sep 12, 2006
My new work camera is a Canon Power Shot D10. Leave it at work or carry it with me and are they any good?

Joe E
We have had a Canon 30D digital SLR for 5 years now and its as good as day one believe it or not it was a refurb at time of purchase.It has gone all over the place.
One thing i can say is that the camera you mentioned is from what i understand and have seen a point an shoot if i am not mistaken.It will probably be a very good camera for flyfishing and keepin on your person.
however it isn't a DLSR with interchangeable lenses,IMHO people can say what they will but where wildlife photography is concerned Canon is at the top of its game and has the most versatility where it concerns avaialablity and selection of top grade glass.
I personally use a Olympus point and shoot 1030 SW for a flyfishing camera and its bombproof.
Try the Canon i think you will enjoy itIt has a quite a few great already dialed in selections for you to try,with out figuring out shutter speeds or f-stops.
Canon is a very good camera.
Tight Wraps & Tight Lines
Rick Wallace
olympus stylus tough series is bomb proof.... go 8000 or higher though.

or, you know, since he already owns it he can use it.
gfen wrote:

or, you know, since he already owns it he can use it.

Dear gfen,

Hey, good thinking!

Of course, that would require Joe to use a camera that is being provided to him for free and who in this world would ever want to avail themself of free stuff?


Tim Murphy :)
I have the Canon D10 as my fishing camera. It takes great pictures, I can post some if you wish. It is built like a rock, it'll take all the beating, water, etc. you want to give it and keep on ticking. The real selling point for me was it's boot up speed. Powers up quick, focuses quick, you're shooting in no time. In that respect, it blows away the other P&S waterproofs out there. I think it takes better pics too. I personally love it. The battery, when fully charged, lasts forever too!

Now, the "don't likes"

-The egg shape. It doesn't fit in any pockets. I strap it to my wading straps and keep it under the waders. But I gotta get a better system, I'm too slow to get it out, and when I do, it's sometimes fogged. This could be fixed if I spent the money on all the optional strap systems, but that costs like as much as the camera did. Also, the way my hand falls on it naturally, I sometimes get a big close up of my fingers, I have to keep that in mind.

-Underwater. I don't seem to get as good of underwater shots as some of the guys with other models. It could be the camera. It could just as easily be the operator/lack of experience. Also, since I've had it, I haven't had too many oportunities to try it in crystal clear water.
Some pics from the Canon D10 to go through: