Suggestions for grannoms



Feb 15, 2010
I want to tie some grannoms for Oil Creek and the Little j. I'm looking for some good patterns and also some input on sizes. I was thinking 14s and 16s, but I'm not really sure. Thanks in advance for the help.
I just went to a presentation by Eric Stroup who guides on the little j, and I wish I could remember the Grannon part of the talk, but I do know he had an egg laying pattern with a green butt (wet fly I think), and a elk hair caddis-esque dry fly. I do recall he did not really feel compelled to use CDC or other fancy stuff. There was also a peeking caddis type nymph with green chenille out the back. I think you are on the right track size wise.
I've had some success on Penns with a CDC and Elk grannom tie when the adults are spent on the surface and trout are sipping them (breezy conditions). It's situational.

Most folks do well on wets (pupae) when the caddis are hatching and when the females are egg laying (bright green butt for the latter). So, that would be my first move.

The wets can be as generic as a leadwing coachman or specific to the grannoms. It all works.
The CDC and Elk(deer hair) is my go to pattern for Caddis of any sort. I just vary the body and wing color. Tan, olive and grey bodies seem to be the most effective. They also work as a an emerger when they start sinking.
Grannoms are size #14.
I use a fluttering caddis style for my imitations.

body - dark brown fur
wing - mottled brown deer hair
hackle - brown
I recommend tying some 16s as well as #14s.

I ran into a situation on a small, heavily fished stream where they trout refused or bumped size 14s, but took size 16s readily.
I make 2 pupae. One is chocolate brown, almost black hare-tron body tied on a bent-shank pupa hook. Pull an antron (z-lon) over the back. Some dark soft hackle. I use stripped-off grouse and tie in. Not too much. Then a head of peacock ice dub. Or I have a copper bead for the head. My other fly is just a peacock wet fly with a bead head. No wing like a standard lead wing coachman.
A 16 will serve you better than a 14.

My dry has an antron shuck, dubbed body meant to sit down in the water, snowshoe hare wing that I mark with a Sharpie to better emlate the wing veination. Totally unnecessary. Adapt as necessary. I've been at the grannom thing a while, and I haven't found a better iteration. I'll use it if there is one.

For Oil Creek, definitely tie some 16's as the last species to hatch is smaller than the first.
A black CDC winged dark olive or black body produces for me.
Fluttering and elk hair when the situation calls.
I never noticed any difference in adding a green egg sac to the fly.
Underneath, a black, dark olive or peacock body with 2-3 turns black hen will catch you some fish. Swung with and without added weight.
For tough afternoon fish, I use this foam winged pattern sliced down the middle and tapered on the rear from one of those foam ant body cylinders.
The size I'm fishing on the limestone streams is definitely a #14.
I haven't fished them on oil and sugar creeks for quite a while now.
But I now seem to recall them being smaller there too
Tied a half dozen CDC and elk (I used deer hair) grannoms in size 14. I used dun CDC and olive deer hair because it's what I had. I think I need black CDC and natural deer hair. I also did some with a sparse wing and others with a heavily dressed wing. Do you guys think the colors I used are too far off? Which are better sparse or heavy wing? I'll post a pic soon. Thanks guys.
These are the flies I tied.


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    Grannoms.resized 3-12-2017.jpg
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Your dry flies came out nice, and I love CDC on that pattern. Here's a Cased Caddis I've had success with during the Grannom hatch.


Great and timely discussion.

I have mostly fished grannoms with a peacock style wet fly, but I would like to tie some Lafontaine Sparkle pupa to match the grannom. What color body and veil to you folks find most effective?

I tie them on a size 16 and like dark chocolate mink for the underbodies and a light cream antron for the veil. I finish it off with some mallard flank barbules for the wing. I have found this to be highly effective for the grannoms here and also very good for western caddis hatches as well.
