

Well-known member
Mar 31, 2011
Mike posted some flies earlier, that made me want to share my first deer hai flies. I made these off the memory of what my local fly shop had but will no longer be carrying. They were killer for SMB.

I think the only thing thing that's the same about this and the original is the deer hair. I decided to wrap the body with chenille than wrap silver Mylar around that and add it to the tail as well. I also added crystal flash to the tail.

I think, like Mike, I didn't pack the deer hair tight enough. Should catch bass though.

Suggestions are welcome.

It looks as if that fly might be weighted?

If that is the case, I would say you don't want it tighter... The looser hair will still give the outline without the bouyancy.

On the other hand, if this was designed to be a floater or slider... then yes, much tighter. But it looks like great uniformity on your flairing, so good job!

Will absolutley catch fish. What hook did you tie it on? Should catch trout, too!
I'm pretty sure when the muddler was first originated the head was not packed very tight at all, I believe it kinda evolved into what the head is today. Like said a loose head will sink better that one with more hair in it.
Not weighted, I double wrapped the chenille. It's supposed to float. I started tying 2 weeks ago and realized I have all the dry flies and nymphs I need for awhile. So I went after what I need.
I think it's a nice looking tie, I'd like to tie some and take them for a swim in the Big Juniata for Smb. I'm betting it'll do very well. It's kinda funny I tied a big nymph in those colors only the collar was white soft hackle with a red floss body and did well with it. Your fly will make a nice pairing with the one I already tie, your a good man "C". :-D
Nice tie. That should work well to imitate a crippled baitfish on or near the surface. The white with some red is a great color combination. The little bit of flash is also a good idea. Well done.
I'll bet that would work great on 5" brookies...........jk nice tie. Steelhead might whack that at times also.
Nice fly. It will be killer on SMB. White and red is a clasic SMB color combo for deer hair poppers, a little flash is good too. Question: is the fly articulated or tied "wooly bugger" style? I can't tell from the photo. I tie a similar fly that I fish on a sink tip for steelhead or SMB in high water.