My New Fly Desk (Area), Finally



Mar 23, 2011
A while back I asked you guys for input and ideas for a new desk. Well, now it's "done." It probably won't be done done for a while, but I'm set until I want to spend even mooooore money. Anyway, I got a new desk, add extensions so it was taller. I also got a cabinety thing that holds my vise and all my tools when I'm not tying. I also got one more cabinet, that I installed pegboard on the doors and back. Under each photo I'll write a caption.


Here's the whole area. The whole shabang. I repositioned my desk, and the desk is obviously new. A little better than my old white fold out card table, eh?

The desk is deep enough so I can but large tupperware containers in the back and I don't nearly hit it. So I call it the bulk storage and hair, hackle, foam, etc.


Vises and tools cabinet, and will *soon* be home to my hooks.


Pegboard cabinet, quite empty. Working on buying some of the metal things in bulk.


Here's a closeup, just some mustad hooks I just got. I'm messing with the spacing and such, just figuring stuff out.

So, this is a big step up from my last set-up and I really appreciate all the ideas and such that you guys contributed to this project. I lastly just want to say, for the next 3 weeks I'll be away and completely unresponsive as to phone calls, text messages, emails, PM's, etc. I'm going to a camp through John's Hopkins University and they don't allow us to have unmonitered internet time. Blah Blah Blah. But anyway, I'm leaving tomorrow. Thanks again everyone!
Nice! Looks better than when it was under construction.

Is that a RENZETTI tool caddy? :cool:

Have fun at camp!
Much better than when it was under construction! When it was, oh lord, there was crap covering every inch of the floor! And Renzetti, PSH! It most definately is not ;) And, Thanks, I will! Although, 3 weeks, no tying or fishing. I may start getting twitchy!
Everyone, I forgot to mention I realize like none of the wood/cabinets/stuff matches with any other anything, but I don't really care. It's really just storage to me, so that's why I'm not bothered.
I like!
I thinks that's better than the desk we talked about!
Very nice gaeronf.
I guess I now know where my hackle will live. LOL
May I recommend a book holder. Staples, 11.00
It looks great!! Perfect place for you to invent some new flies!!
I am looking forward to more of your videos.