Acceptable cress bug?



Mar 21, 2009
I'm new to this and would appreciate some constructive criticism. This seems entirely too easy to tie to be right. You can't see it but there is a small section of flash/shell on the back. Look right for a cress?

From my perspective, you have the profile pretty close. I know that some cress bugs are narrower than others, thus keep that in mind. What color is the pattern?

If you can get a lighter background ( piece of paper, shirt, something like that) and try a pic without the flash on. You can kinda see it but not really. from what I can see I agree with TC.
black background is fine, don't use flash and just place a light (soft white, fluorescence) above subject. never use white..
Looks pretty go to me.

As others have pointed out, the color is hard to discern due to the photo lighting. If it is in fact so light, you might opt for a darker tone on this pattern. Cress bugs are in the gray/olive color range, and are particularly dark over the back. I tie and fish a lot of cress bugs (and scuds) and I've leaned toward darker colors in my own evolution as a tier. Many commercial cress bug and scud patterns are light gray or orange...however, if you spend some time looking at the naturals in our central PA limestoners, you'll find that they are mainly olive colored.
Mine is even more simple man, the old muskrat nymph with some brown mink mixed into it. Just a dubbing noodle in a cress bug shape trimmed on the bottom and top to give it the rocking motion when its in the water.