2007 Fly Swap Page Posted



Staff member
Sep 9, 2006

I posted the page for the 2007 PAFF Fly Swap at the link below:

2007 PAFF Fly Swap Page

There are still a couple flies unidentified. I'll update the page at the same link when those tiers get in touch. Also, the one's missing recipes or instructions will be updated when I hear from the tiers.

In the sticky thread at the top of this forum, I included the link to the 2007 Page and updated the cross-links on the other years' pages, but I am holding off updating the Master Index Page until the 2007 Page has been completed.

Thanks to Bruno for hosting the swap and all the tiers for their great contributions.
Good looking bunch of flies, nice job!

Miro, I like the looks of that Sculpin!

I've been getting into fishing with buggers etc. more, looks like a good one!
All those flies look AWESOME!!

just a little input from a very novice fly tyer to say the least. I tied a few freshwater shrimp and I like the one from the swap. I actually used the fuzzy end (yeah dont know the name) of a mallard flank feather and tied it in for the legs of the shrimp. Just messing around one day and liked how it looked. Wondering if anyone else has done so and besides pine creek (saw the pictures posted on this site of the HUGE freshwater shrimp) where and when do you use freshwater shrimp.
when's the next swap? I'd like to get in on one now that I have a little faith in my ability to tie.
I would like to add my congradulations to the tiers. Really good stuff. Maybe we should try for a second swap. We could have a Summer Swap of good warmwater and summer trout patterns.
What about a non-trout swap in summer. Smallies, LM bass, bluegill, pike, carp...whatever... flies?
I don't know how i'd find the time, but I'd definitely be in for it.
I know I have lots more "free" time than most of you, but tying a dozen flies shouldn't take much more then a couple of hours no matter how good or bad you are. If you are tying a fly that takes 20 minutes or more, you're just showing off... :cool:
Hey, I updated the Master Index page for the flies that have been tied for swaps over the years. That page is here:

Master Index For PAFF Fly Swaps 2003-2007

If anyone uses this page and encounters broken or incorrect links, please let me know. I think I have it all straightened out, but if not please let me know so I can fix it. Also, if anyone has ideas how to make the page more useful, I'm listening.
Nice job, Jack.

I just wanted to say thank you for sharing with me this years flies. A truly wonderful collection. I really feel fortunate that you all remember me when working on your flies. I can't tie so it even means more to me than you think!

I really enjoy when they come in because I can show them to my son and explain the different types of flies and streamers. He is still into just bait fishing, but hope to get him started soon.

Again, a great collection and thank you for sharing with me your fine efforts and talents!

Dave, I'm not sure how old your son is, but I'll tell you what got Gino to turn the corner and switch to fly fishing. We were coming home from the Jamboree and stopped at Spruce Creek. Green Drakes were coming off. Not heavy, but enough that we saw some trout taking them from the surface and were able to catch a few naturals to examine up close. Now, he leaves the spinning rod behind when we go trout fishing.

Take him out during a strong hatch -- that oughta do it.
Damn, you guys and gals tie some nice flies, enjoyed looking them over!

Thanks Jack
Question for Tom Gamber, or anyone:

I just peeked in on the swap flies – great job by all. Tom, that’s a great BWO spinner you tied. Do have problems with the fly spinning in the air and twisting your tippet? I have that problem when using realistic cut wings on spinner patterns. Perhaps the wing material I use is too stiff.
This one will spin occasionally yes, but it really doesn't matter how it lands because it'll give the same profile on the water upright or upside down. I do tie some other dries with this wing material Where it would matter more, but while in a really good wind I get some twisting, its such a fine mesh that it spins a lot less than other materials I've found. I just found this stuff last year and really like it. The hard part is finding a lot of colors. I found a mottled tan the other day and it was the last pack.