The big D



Well-known member
Jun 1, 2015
While I use to take a yearly trip with my father up to the D life has gotten in the way for a while now. I just realized it's been ten years since we were up there together, same time my first son was born. Anyway, we are doing a trip this spring. Planning to leave on a Sunday, fish Monday-Thursday, come back Friday. If you could pick your dates what would they be? We will probably float 3 days with a guide and wade one. Any other advice or thoughts would be appreciated.
Last week of april/ first week of may. I really dont think you'd need a guide unless you dont want to row. Check your pms.
moon1284 wrote:
Last week of april/ first week of may. I really dont think you'd need a guide unless you dont want to row. Check your pms.

Thanks so much Moon! Sent you one back.

Whether the hatches are ahead or behind, this is a safe bet, assuming water levels are not too far out of whack.
If you prefer numbers of bugs, first 2 weeks of May. If you want big bugs, first 2 weeks of June. If you want to fish sulphur hatch during the day, mid June.

Basically and under normal weather / flows, you'll find hatches and fish between April 20 and August 15.....then again in the fall. Early season, the fish are unpressured and may be more user friendly. May through June will probably have boat traffic jams. You can almost always find fishable water unless mother nature gets angry.
Hi Ryan,

Is the big D the Delaware (west branch)?