Pohopoco Ck's Parryville Dam info sought



Well-known member
Nov 10, 2006
Would anyone comment with knowledge (not speculation) regarding water levels at the base of the Parryville Dam during more typical high flow and/or flood events, distinguishing between the two conditions? Specifically, does the Lehigh R. back up the Pohopoco to the base of Parryville Dam under either condition mentioned above? Second, under 1) high Pohopoco flows and 2) under flooding flows how high does the tail-water rise on the Parryville Dam's face (or, how much of a drop in feet exists from the pool above the dam to the tail-water below during those flows)?

Mike wrote:
Would anyone comment with knowledge (not speculation) regarding water levels at the base of the Parryville Dam during more typical high flow and/or flood events, distinguishing between the two conditions? Specifically, does the Lehigh R. back up the Pohopoco to the base of Parryville Dam under either condition mentioned above? Second, under 1) high Pohopoco flows and 2) under flooding flows how high does the tail-water rise on the Parryville Dam's face (or, how much of a drop in feet exists from the pool above the dam to the tail-water below during those flows)?



I can not give you an exact measurment of the depth at the dam. However, I can say I have never seen the water depth above a foot deep if you were standing on the cement on the Parryville side. That is not a foot of total depth, but a foot above the cement standing area. I can say with much certainty that I have never really seen outstanding flows DURING a flooding event. Unusually, the ACoE realease a large amour of water before and after a flooding event. I actually fish that section when everything else is flooded. Further, the Lehigh does not back water up to the base of the Parryville dam.
Reading this again....I am intrigued about the questions you asked. What is it you are basically looking for? If these measurments are important to the possible removal of the dam, I would be happy to take them during the next high water condintions. Don't leave me hanging Mike!
I have an interest in movement of fish around, through, and over dams regardless of location (Pa or elsewhere). My question had nothing to do with dam removal; I didn't even know the history there. I try not to ask questions that will result in speculative answers; your answers provided me with the info that I sought, except that in my brief visit to the dam I did not note the cement standing area. As a result, I am not certain how high on the dam face a foot higher than the standing area would be.

Thank you for responding.
I know fish can clear some extraordinary hurdles to move upstream (or down) but I don't think there's many fish at all below the dam that ever succesfully move upstream past that specific dam. Not even in most high water events.

In the name of fish movement it would be great if the PFBC would indeed release the money for the approved grant the LRSA has for the "Alaska fish ladder." I know fish ladders don't always work as well as we hoped but that's never stopped the PFBC & other agencies from dumping money into them on the lower Lehigh, right?