Keystone is pure magic..tell em Maxi



Well-known member
Jun 18, 2014
From the path less traveled to the busiest C&R section, I love PA. It's home to majestic wilderness, urban trout heaven and Bam Magera.

New to the game or a seasoned vet, life must be lived forward but can only be understood backwards

Scream from the ridges and let everyone know that knowledge speaks but wisdom listens

The best things in life are earned unless they are given to you for free... but nothing is free unless you receive it at no cost.

Keystone, keystone, where are you? Supporting the top of the doorway or giving me the greatest place to explore? You are like a mug of warm hotdog water.

I blew out my flip flop
Stepped on a pop top
Cut my heel, had to cruise on back home
"You don't know what you've got till it's gone."

Here in TX we have the southern most trout fishery in North America, the tail water from Canyon Lake.

And you're welcome to fish it. Provided, of course, that you join TU's lease for $400/year. Otherwise there is about 100 meters of "Public Access" where the water is 6 inches deep and the anglers are literally shoulder to shoulder.

So I ALWAYS shake my head when I hear PA fly fishers gripe about how tough they've got it.

I grew up fishing South Central PA limestoners and the many and varied streams in the Northern Tier, north of "Bill-Town".

To fish for wild trout for the last 39 years I've had to drive 9-10 hours to get to AR or MO and 14 or 15 hours to CO and NM.

Believe me, you don't know what you've got till it's gone...
Krayfish2- Good thinking, son. Keystone - think about it? Keystone in the middle, the fishing bridge will never collapse. Keystone placed left or right from center, bridge collapse.

So keep the Keystone center and walk that fishing bridge forever and ever. Take that journey to the center of your mind and the Keystone is there. Seen many things with a round center stone related to fishing but you must look close. They generally are sticking up out of the wet mud. They fell long ago!

Glad you are still fishing. here is one, that will put a smile on your face. Talked last night to a 84 year old fly fisherman from Cos Cob Ci. Topic was old days.

Dette, Darbee and best of all! Friend, Robert Bock, long ago owner of The Little Store, Roscoe.

By the way, the best fly fishermen went there. I am sure you set a foot inside. I could tell. You scuffed up the floors with your flip=flops. Must have been dragging that left leg again!

Times change but friends last over that bridge of time. That is why, Keystone center. Who did you meet along the way!
Uncleshorty--Are you my brother?
Before Dennis open the Catskill fly store, I was a regular in the little store every trip up.

my memory is a little foggy but I believe that Mary Dette used to do the Roscoe Rockland chamber of commerce fishing report every morning at 607-498-5350
Max, I sure am, in a way.

And in another way I am a solitary man; trapped in an existence of boredom and sameness with no end in sight as the time I have left to make good memories slips away...
Good topic.

I grew up in NWPA. Although I currently live in Ohio, I still find myself spending much of my free time in NWPA.

Friday, after a couple of steer were delivered, I had a craving for BBQ. Not sure why.;-) I decided to take my wife to Linesville to satisfy my craving. I had the two meat combo, brisket and pulled port. The pork was really good, but the brisket was just a little on the dry side. After that, I picked up a couple things at the store and went home.

But wait, there's more.

It was a beautiful day, so we loaded up the dog and went for another ride. I usually don't have a plan when I start out, and this was no exception. This time I just pointed the truck North. Eventually the pavement ended, shortly before reaching the lake. Which way did I turn? East of course. Stopped in Conneaut Ohio for an ice cream cone. After that we went to the marina and decided that we should have just went there for the BBQ. Never had a bad meal at Breakwall BBQ, but it was packed. I know all the good spots. We drove around a little bit. The lake is as high as I had ever seen it. Almost in the parking lot. Also saw a pair of bald eagles. Then I headed into PA and cruised a few of the lessor known steelhead spots ... just for something to do. We like driving along the lake. Dolly started whining about all the dust on the dirt roads and I responded ... aren't you glad I drove my truck instead of her new car? Eventually we headed south and headed home.

Yesterday... I loaded up the wife and dog and drove to Westford PA to buy some grain for the cattle. Afterwards, it just happened to be lunch time. Wasn't real hungry, but headed North to Linesville again. This time we stopped at the little ice cream stand and got a couple of fish sandwiches. Not bad for a roadside stand After that, we headed east again. This time we ended up in Meadville. Headed further south and ended up at Lake Wilhelm. Took in a few sites. Eventually we headed home thinking I need to call my brother to see if he would like to hook up at Wilhelm for a day of fishing (he has a boat).

I'll probably stay home today.

To this day, when someone asked if I am from Ohio, I say no. I just live there.

Fortunately I live only about 6 miles from the state line. ;-)

Oh yea, someone on here used to say "Work is for suckers."

He was right.
UncleShorty wrote:

Here in TX we have the southern most trout fishery in North America, the tail water from Canyon Lake.

And you're welcome to fish it. Provided, of course, that you join TU's lease for $400/year. Otherwise there is about 100 meters of "Public Access" where the water is 6 inches deep and the anglers are literally shoulder to shoulder.

I grew up in TX and have fond memories of the Lone Star State however... when it comes to hunting and fishing we do indeed have things much better here in PA. Not even close.

Outdoor sports are pay to play in TX, and it ain't cheap.

Here in PA we have millions of acres of public land and there are still countless places where a polite knock on the door will get you free access to hunt and fish.

Caught my first trout below Canyon Dam (this is the Guadalupe River).
Maxi's song! "you can climb a mountain, you can swim a big sea, come and fish Pennsylvania, if you want to be free"

"you can build her up, you can make new friends, your memories will last forever, it's time for you to see".

"or, you can jump into the fire and never be free, oh no, oh no, jump into the fire and never be free, no more, no more".

The fire is what clouds your mind. The smoke that blinds you. The fire that you believe, it is better somewhere else. Well, time to get the garden hose and spray your head!

Nilsson lives on!
Sing it Maxi.....great rendition
And here I am, stuck in the Bitterroot. I guess I forgot what I should be missing.
UncleShorty wrote:
"You don't know what you've got till it's gone."

Here in TX we have the southern most trout fishery in North America, the tail water from Canyon Lake.

And you're welcome to fish it. Provided, of course, that you join TU's lease for $400/year. Otherwise there is about 100 meters of "Public Access" where the water is 6 inches deep and the anglers are literally shoulder to shoulder.

So I ALWAYS shake my head when I hear PA fly fishers gripe about how tough they've got it.

I grew up fishing South Central PA limestoners and the many and varied streams in the Northern Tier, north of "Bill-Town".

To fish for wild trout for the last 39 years I've had to drive 9-10 hours to get to AR or MO and 14 or 15 hours to CO and NM.

Believe me, you don't know what you've got till it's gone...

Dear Uncle Shorty,

I ain't picking on you when I say this, but there are opportunities everywhere, they are just different opportunities.

Forty years ago when I was stationed in the Florida Panhandle I worked 3 to 11 and every day when we weren't being pounded by turd floating rain I went fishing for specks and redfish and the occasional jack crevalle.

I completely understand that you miss the trout fishing you grew up with. That said, I'd give anything to go back and fly fish for those Florida fish now. You have the opportunity to fish for those same fish in Texas, and I'm a little jealous of that.

At the time I mostly chucked Mann's Stingray grubs and L&S Mirrolures and I always managed to have fun and catch fish. I had fly fished for trout in PA before I got stationed in Florida, but my trout fly rod wasn't a good match for those saltwater beasties.

I came home to PA and have spent the last 35 years in PA and NY. The funny thing is when I lived outside of Philly I would make 6 to 10 trips to Pulaski to fish for steelhead every year. I moved to upstate NY and went about 3 times in 11 years.

My whole point is I'm glad and grateful for the opportunities that we have in PA. But there are opportunities everywhere!


Tim Murphy :)

I am born and raised in, and currently reside in Pennsylvania. I first moved to West Virginia after I graduated from high school(1977).

I loved it and have been a frequent tourist ever since.

After I graduated from Juniata College(1982) I moved to New Iberia, LA.

In 1988 I moved to Greensboro, NC and stayed there for 18 years. I was a traveling salesman and my territory was NC, SC, TN, VA. I love the south.

I think though that I will remain in PA. I have waited a long time for my membership in my R&G club in the western Poconos. I really have no desire to fish anywhere else.

I don't care that the fish are stocked. Where else can I go east of the Mississippi and just have 3 miles of roadless stream and 820 acres pretty much to myself? Sometimes I just like being in a wilderness environment all by myself.

I love PA.
There is so much more wilderness to explore canoe tripper, lots of places with public access to get away from people and roads. Personally I would get quite bored restricting myself to the same 3 miles of stream with all that PA has to offer. There are so many sites to see and places to fish, but so little time. I will not experience it all in my lifetime.
I can not disagree with you at all. I have so much yet to explore where I go and only keep going to the same two places when I am there.
Now, a little pure magic! Looking forward to a little "Pure Magic", beginning August-16 and 17. Friends from work, two in fact and me, at a cabin on Big Pine.

We will fish, we will smoke pork, smoke fish, drink, eat and be merry. We will stay up till 3 and laugh and have great times together. The "Magic", will become talk for many weeks!

As the talk will wear off, the "Magic", will last a lifetime! Pa. magic, that is. Lucky to have friends at work that will go. Other more refined fly fishermen would not go. Why? Virus, too hot, no fish, no time, your crazy.

I kind of like the fellows at work, they will fish for hours, even if fish do not bite. I guess they like, "Just being there". Just being away and a little freedom. I am glad we can share a little freedom!

We will live a life time in 2 days. Lifetime--starts at the beginning and ends at the beginning. How about that!

The Pa. road, has no real beginning and you will never get to the end!

You see it everywhere, the paths, well worn, nobody around!

Get some, it is yours. For keepsake memories in the back of your mind! Then Splash, they move forward in your brain and come tumbling out your mouth at a later date. Do you remember when?

"Of course i do, did you think i would ever forget".


1fish wrote:
And here I am, stuck in the Bitterroot. I guess I forgot what I should be missing.
Yeah me to..... Really miss the swamp arse heat and humidity of Pa. summer...…. Sitting here looking at the mountains all around me in the Madison Valley.... Don't have to fight the crowds of Penns Creek or hike a couple miles of wilderness to catch some trout.... Only "problems" I have is where within the 30 min. drive do I want to fish......and making sure I don't overindulge in the J.D. before the evenings fishing...… I'm a W.Pa. resident all my life and now at 59 wonder...……..WHY?????? Think now I understand why Maxy rambles, to much time trying to stay cool and find cold water to fish in Pa.
SmoothOperator wrote:
1fish wrote:
And here I am, stuck in the Bitterroot. I guess I forgot what I should be missing.
Yeah me to..... Really miss the swamp arse heat and humidity of Pa. summer...…. Sitting here looking at the mountains all around me in the Madison Valley.... Don't have to fight the crowds of Penns Creek or hike a couple miles of wilderness to catch some trout.... Only "problems" I have is where within the 30 min. drive do I want to fish......and making sure I don't overindulge in the J.D. before the evenings fishing...… I'm a W.Pa. resident all my life and now at 59 wonder...……..WHY?????? Think now I understand why Maxy rambles, to much time trying to stay cool and find cold water to fish in Pa.

Both of you are killing me. I am envious, but it a good way. Good for you.

I personally wouldn't mind selling out and move to the real mountains, but my wife can't stand the cold. Normally I'd joke about just taking off, but that just isn't joke worthy anymore.
Maxi ramble to you boys. Bitterroot, Find my Winston at the bottom. Hope you snag it up. Keep it, i gave the case away in Hamilton!te Moons. Find it.

Was approached by an undertaker at a beer hall. He heard all about me! 2 towns down. All those river guides talked about the guy that almost drowned.

Never drowned, those boys out there, just never saw a fisherman get in "Over his Head". with raft against his back, in the rapids.

Time flies when "On the Clock".

I like a clock that runs backwards. I like the Pa. clock, i turn upside down and never look at!

The watch i threw away 42 years ago! Tick Tock, time is running out.

I always ask, "What day is it". No way, the last day! What a bummer, last day. No last days in Pa. See you wet sob's when you get home!


Listen fellows, all fishing on Bitterroot happens fast. If in a boat.
