Kerr Park \ Easy Brandywine in early may



Well-known member
Sep 8, 2006
Does anyone know if the brandywine in Kerr Park holds any signifigant amount of trout around 5-10? I know theres a rodeo later in the month, but from the stocking schedule by the state it looks like they only stock that section in march. Is this true? Going to be holding my 2 year old daughters bday party in the park on the 10th so wondering if this section in the park is still holding any fish around that time.
I went out yesterday to the beach with an Orvis class and nobody caught anything. This is the area about 75 yds up from the Bridge where Beaver Creek dumps in.

The kids rodeo was yesterday behind the children's playground so should be a bunch of fish in there for a little while. May be fished out by May 10

The DHALO section a mile or 2 upstream starting at Dowlin Forge is where you want to go. I went there last night after Kerr Park and fish were rising everywhere and 2 jumped a foot out of the water feeding.
There should still be some fish. You can always find a few in the faster riffles and runs between beaver creek and the playground. Might run into a few SMB too.
The state didn't stock a lot of Kerr park this year due to lack of help. The Brandywine trout club does stock pretty heavily in that area. I don't know that exact dates but they always stock on a Saturday afternoon several times a month. They have a kids rodeo comming up and a trophy trout rodeo in May. If it stays cool it will be very good in early June. Last year it was hot and the trout shut down but the Smallmouth bite is the best on the stream.
Sorry to answer the original question there will be a ton of fish in Kerr park around May 10th, but there will also be a lot of people. The delayed harvest section get stocked on 5/5 so I would try there or anywhere else upstream of Kerr park.
I checked and the rodeo is actually 5/10-5/11, so you will not be able to fish there on those days.