Has anyone fished the Tully lately?



Sep 26, 2012
I have been working a lot this fall and haven't got out at all, planning on hitting the Tully this weekend. I haven't seen any posts or reports from there with is kinda odd. Just wondering how it's been fishing.
They've been releasing water from the dam, probably to draw the lake down to winter level. I don't fish it much when the water is high. The water is lower now, so I am probably going to fish it for an hour tomorrow. Fishing with two broken ribs can be a painful challenge, or I would fish a bit longer. Fortunately I live 10 minutes from the Tully and I am retired, so I can fish it at my convenience.
Yo Op

I did hit the Tully yesterday early afternoon for 45 min, after consulting with Dino. Apparently the state stocked it before the lake drawdown. I saw a few #22 BWOs and found one riser along the road at Paper Mill. He was a recent stockie brown, 11-12" and unmarked. I looked around for more action and saw none. That was the only fish I saw. It was nice and sunny, and maybe if it were cloudy, the olives would have done more. I decided not to stick around to see if evening would be more productive. The one angler I saw was leaving just when I came. Water temp was 55 - 51 at Cacoosing.
i checked yesterday and one guide had written that the musky in the schkuyll would be well fed !

so i figured the stockies would have been washed out ?

i was planning to hit it next wednesday - Vets Day.

geebee wrote:
i checked yesterday and one guide had written that the musky in the schkuyll would be well fed !

so i figured the stockies would have been washed out ?

i was planning to hit it next wednesday - Vets Day.

No, the flows were not that high. Look at the gauge station on line and recent history of flow volume.
The DH and area below received only RT this fall. During the angler count two weekends later, one of four angler's in the stocked segment of the DH area was seen landing a RT. A later interview indicated that he had caught two during the early part of his trip. Both were recently stocked fish according to the angler.
I've fished it on two occasions the last 2 weeks in October, and on both outings they were releasing water. It was fishable, but slightly off color, and I think it put the fish off a bit with no rising visible and only able to pull a few fish.
The Tulpy is funny, in that when the dam raises or lowers the water, the trouts get lockjaw. Or at least stop rising. Dino tells me the rising is sparse this fall. The time I was out, I spent more time looking in at the access points for risers than I did ffishing. That one pale looking brown that I caught was the only riser I saw.
This may be less perplexing than you think. When the water quickly drops the trout largely move, often up to a couple of hundred yards or more, presumably to deeper water. We unintentionally ran that experiment during a trout population survey one time in the DH Area. So the area where you caught fish a few hours ago may later be devoid of fish.
Maybe I will try the little lehigh. I've never been there and Tully not sounding promising. Thanks to all who responded.
The Tully is at a very fishable level now.
The predicted outcome would most likely be much better for angler's who were willing to use nymphs rather than dries. You can lead a horse to water....

Additionally, fish stocked as adults in the fall usually have to emerge from spawning mode in order to shed the typical early fall finicky behavior that often results in frustrated angler's.
small glo-bugs aka "egg patterns"
I only fish it on Thanksgiving Day when no one else is there. Can't stand crowds, but it's a nice quick trip to a stream where I don't have to wade much during a time of year when I'm wary to fish wild streams due to the spawn.
McSneek wrote:
small glo-bugs aka "egg patterns"

ah, I was going to ask about those - do eggs fish well on stocked streams like the tully where there is little to no natural reproduction ?

Glo bugs work on hatchery fish period. Spawning isn't really a consideration.
krayfish2 wrote:
Glo bugs work on hatchery fish period. Spawning isn't really a consideration.

so fish it as an attractor basically right ?

You may fish it however you see fit. I have drug them along the bottom with split shot.
krayfish2 wrote:
You may fish it however you see fit. I have drug them along the bottom with split shot.

I like to give mine a good dusting of Frog's Fanny and fish them on a 15' greased leader tapered to 6X... Not really - just bump them on the bottom solo or in tandem with some generic nymph.
no joy on the egg today, but a switch to a #14 Copper John brought me a 9" stockie and i lost a much much larger bow of about 16".

both fish took in the fast tailouts of pools below me.

as often happens in such cases, i couldn't move the bigger fish up towards me and put too much pressure on him and the hook pulled or he threw it after a few minutes. i got a good look at it several times though and it was pretty fat and very dark.

i'm pretty disappointed as that would have probably have been my biggest river rainbow, but thats fishing ...

a nice afternoon out and i look forward to going back next weekend perhaps.


