now they want more land!!!



Well-known member
May 29, 2009

learn to run the government of this state within it's means and we won't have to destroy everything inch of it just for the f^@king money!
It allows us to solve "every economic problem" at the expense of creating an entire slew of potentially catastrophic environmental problems.

Sounds fair.
Reading that makes me want to move out of state more than ever.
jayL wrote:
It allows us to solve "every economic problem" at the expense of creating an entire slew of potentially catastrophic environmental problems.

Sounds fair.

Absolutely it does. PA has pissed away much more for much less. If this article were true, I'm sorry but I would support it.

To think that this extraction can't be done without major detriment is silly.
Dear jdaddy,

I'm all for the government accepting royalties for leasing State Land but the larger issue is how do they control the expenditures so that the lease money actually accomplishes something?

All too often government budgets exceed the revenue projections. It should be viewed as money surplus to needs but instead it will spent long before it is ever received.

That's pretty much the reality of the present situation both statewide and nationwide and I see no encouraging signs from either level that they are willing to do deal with the fact that the money supply is not in fact, endless.


Tim Murphy :)
First of all $2 billion a year helps but it doesn't solve the budget problems. Second gas is over supplied and I just don't see a second wave to the "gold rush" in the near future. I would expect this to play out over more years than Walker suggests. This allows some time to see how the impact of the current wave plays out.

That said there will be additional pressure on the state revenues as the Federal government is forced to cut back on revenue sharing. The state will be forced to look to additional cuts and revenue sources. Worst case would be that the state sells off additional leases in a fire sale as a desperate attempt to raise revenue.
I have to leave this state. The barn doors have wide open since day 1 and the politicians are tripping over themselves to make it soooo easy for this industry to do whatever they want.
$60 Billion isn't going to solve any of the Commonwealths financial problems, only intelligent mangement is going to do the trick.