Newbie Brookie Expedition/Jam?



Well-known member
May 3, 2011
Just starting a thread to see how much legit interest there is for this (and to keep the discussion out of other threads). Sounds like Fox, PP, Becker, Stagger and some of the other guys at the last Newbie Jam had some preliminary discussion already.

There hasn't been one of these in the recent series of Newbie Jams, so I think it would be neat to do for the beginners on the site, or guys who just want to learn about and get into Brookie fishing.

My initial thoughts for potential venues would be:

1. Potter/Tioga - By far the greatest amount of streams, most of which are pretty good, and open land, but a bit of a drive for most. Would probably require an overnight.

2. Poconos - Closer drive, but more posting/access issues. Less streams overall, but still some good ones. Sounds like this was the direction the guys at the last Newbie Jam were thinking, which is cool. Can be done in a day trip for most of the eastern PA guys.

3. State College Area - Gets you close to several potential areas of good streams. Again a bit more of a drive, but more central location for western PA guys. Would also probably require an overnight for most.

But other suggestions are welcome too.

Let's discuss. I'd be happy to lead a group and provide some tips/instruction on both locating these kinds of streams and fishing them. Hopefully a few of the other Brookie regulars may chime in to volunteer too.
A person much more experienced and familiar with the streams suggested that Bushkill creek or the pohopoco would be good options for a group outing. So, I'm tossing them out there.
joseywales wrote:
A person much more experienced and familiar with the streams suggested that Bushkill creek or the pohopoco would be good options for a group outing. So, I'm tossing them out there.

I'm not too familiar with either of those (I know where they are and have researched them a little, but never fished them), but that's good...if there's enough interest, we'd likely need more than just one stream in an area to send groups out on. You can't really logistically send 20 guys out onto a Brookie stream!
Here I go again speaking without 100% certainty, but unless we are talking about the very headwaters of those two streams, I have always known them to be brown trout streams not brookies.
My availability is pretty tight, so I can't commit to anything. But I'd LOVE to lead a group on a small stream somewhere. Once dates are finalized, I can find out if I can swing it.

Of course, as far as streams, in certain areas I am very knowledgable, in other areas I am not knowledgable at all, and in yet others I'm knowledgable but can't take people on the streams I know, since they were shown to me by others and I won't give up their secrets. But this is going to be the case with ALL of us.

For most small PA streams, this is not something that would be done by gathering a large number of people together on an outing. It's just difficult to fish a 5-10 foot wide stream with a large number of guys. Perhaps you gather, and then split into groups of 3 or 4, each group with a leader.

Josey, I dont' wanna put words in Swattie's mouth, but I'm guessing we're talking about much smaller, less famous streams than those.
Yeah, I think pcray hit the nail on the head with what I had in mind...

Meet at a central location, enjoy some chatting/BSing/eating/instruction/etc then break down into smaller 3 or 4 person groups to do some fishing. Meet back up at the central location in the evening.

As far as locations, I think general areas are more what I'm looking to consider, as opposed to individual streams. The three I mentioned have enough good options that several groups could go out and explore different streams, without encroaching on any streams that were shared to us by others. Again, always open to other suggestions too though.

As far as the Browns go...many of the streams I have in mind in these areas have Browns in them too. That's ok in my's more the remote, small stream experience that matters IMO.
Swattie, if we chose State College area, there is a stream there that I would be willing to lead a group on. It is a special reg water in state forest so I don't think we have to worry about anyone's secret spot, except maybe mine. :)

I just want to make sure we coordinate with Shane and Paul, who offered to have something like this in their neck of the woods. Not that I'm the Newbie coordinator because that job has been done better than I can do it by H-A. I'm just another elf in that Christmas village!
Very interested!

How much 'tighter' are these streams compared to the LLehigh or Valley creek, the only two true trout streams I have fished?

Does one need a shorter rod and different equipment for this?

As I was reading my thoughts mirror Pcray. If we can get a decent amt of newbies as well as 'elders' we can meet, break up into groups, meet up for lunch, drinks, BSing, and then head out again .. or something like that. Maybe pool it together with Paul and Shanes get together in the Poconos, if they have a decent amt of brookie streams .. just ideas and I'll go with the flow.

Fall is always hit and miss for me. Btwn the jew holidays (not sure when they fall), anniversary, CFB, etc .. time is limited but may be doable for me. Throw out some dates and locations and I'll try to make it work .. surely hope I can
Stag, just to give you an idea, and everyone is different, I have a 6 1/2 rod specifically for Brookie fishing. We have some really good brookie guys on PAFF and I'm not one of them yet. So just use my words as guidance not gospel.

Stag, just to give you an idea, and everyone is different, I have a 6 1/2 rod specifically for Brookie fishing. We have some really good brookie guys on PAFF and I'm not one of them yet. So just use my words as guidance not gospel.

I have a 9 .. I'm assuming from ur post if I fish a brookie stream with it I'm going to have all types of problems, even more than usual. Sure I can get into a rod at a decent price if I choose to but do you need a new (different) reel and line as well?
Foxgap, yes my brother and I were not talking specifically brookie.

However, is your last post perhaps a reason to lean more toward trout, being most newbies don't have 6.5" rods??? I don't want to sway the group either way, as I am fortunate to have some experienced anglers from with whom i can fish locally.

pcray, I here what you're saying and that would be different that last week at the LL. That said, it might be better in some ways.

Last week, some newbies had onstream instruction. I had two ducks with me, neither of which knew more about FFing than I. However, they also seemed to catch whatever they were after...I did not.

For me, the after fishing was the most beneficial, as experienced anlgers gathered to discuss leaders/tippets and of course Chaz and Dave providing casting advice.

Perhaps this outing is more onstream and that could work well and then meet as a group to eat, etc.
Man, I hate to answer this with any authority to my answer because everyone will feel differently. I can only speak for myself, I had trouble on my preferred brookie streams with a 9' rod. I used a 7 1/2 for years but fell in love with my 6 1/2. I'm sure better guys than me can do it with a 9 footer but I had trouble. If we have this event and you still have your 9 footer. I'll bring my 8 and 6.5 and you can try them both.
joseywales wrote:
Foxgap, yes my brother and I were talking trout, not brookie.

However, is your last post perhaps a reason to lean more toward trout, being most newbies don't have 6.5" rods??? I don't want to sway the group either way, as I am fortunate to have some experienced anglers from with whom i can fish locally.

PM sent
Yeah, they'll be pretty small. 5-10 feet wide on average, maybe opening up to 15 ft or so in spots. As far as rods I'd say anything up to 8' is probably just fine. Longer than that and you'll be limited to some degree, but there will be spots you can still work effectively with a 9' some cases it will be an advantage. I'll bring my backup rod to loan out if need be...7'0 4wt.
Foxgap239 wrote:
I just want to make sure we coordinate with Shane and Paul, who offered to have something like this in their neck of the woods.

Definitely...I just started the thread, but am no means the coordinator. We should look to get everyone involved and get something on the books that works for as many as possible.
I thought they pushed it off to Swattie. Freakin Stagger creating all kinds of turmoil....
Rods, I typically use a 7 1/2 footer. I also have options at every half foot above that up to and including 9 foot. There are inevitably times during every single outing that I wish I had a 6 footer, and later that I wish I had a 9 footer.

Shorter rods allow you to do more in tight places. They're also easier to carry through streamside brush. But when it gets REALLY tight, longer rods bow and arrow cast better.

I've always liked fairly stout rods, overlined. That 7 1/2 footer is a 4/5 wt rod, and I throw a 7 wt line on it. I'm not alone in that approach, but there are plenty of very good fishermen who think differently too, so take it for what it's worth. You have to find your "style". And in the end, if you like using a 2 wt, then use a 2 wt. It may or may not cost you a few fish, but who cares. Personally, I don't get all excited about the fight from a 6" brookie. But I very much enjoy the places where they live, and the challenge of getting a fly into tough places without spooking them.

You typically cover a LOT of water during these outings, and end up far from the car. And the more people you have along the more water you collectively cover. Before and after lunch usually does not work, it limits you too much. Your gonna have a drive and a hike to get where your gonna fish. If you gotta be back for lunch, by the time you get there, it's time to go. There are exceptions, but they are exceptions. If it's a single day thing, then the meeting time would probably be EITHER morning or evening, but not both. Or you could make it an overnight event at a campground or something.
Paul and I have been discussing the date as October 6th, for our little shindig. Swattie if you want to put your own thing together feel free to do it. I am sure people would be jump in on it. I mean we could split up on the pocono newbie jam. I could lead a group of guys to one of my bigger streams, and Paul or swattie or someone else could lead a brookie trip. Up to you guys.
I thought they pushed it off to Swattie. Freakin Stagger creating all kinds of turmoil....

I usually leave my chaos talents to the OT Forum .. I'm starting to really step into the shinola :lol:
Stagger, yes, smaller than Valley or the Little Lehigh. Usually anyway. But the differences are far bigger than stream size, it's a different world altogether. In no ways comparable regarding technique and tactics.