2014 Steelhead JAM - 7-9 November


Active member
Oct 11, 2009
You know you were thinking about it.

Lets start kicking around the dates I had a client back out of a trip Nov 14th so I have reservations already. How does November 13 - 16 sound?

If I may suggest....pick a date early and just announce it. Trying to get board member consensus on dates (and places) is drawn out and often not worth the trouble. If you're heading up a jam, just announce the date/place and whoever can attend will attend.

(I'll edit the title line once a date is selected)

I will call folly's end and reserve the pavillion for Nov 13 - 16.
Good job Tim.GG
PS if there will be a salt jam this year it will be the weekend before thxsgiving
I should be able to get up on the Saturday for this. Starting tying some egg flies last night and will be well-prepared this year!
I didn't see this and recently emailed Folly's about the weekend of the 7th-9th. Whatever works best for everyone I'm sure Folly's would accommodate.
So, which weekend will it be?

It likely won't matter much to me because it isn't all that far, but some people are coming a long ways.
I like the 7_9 myself due to travel and Thanksgiving coming up. Plus I will be spending time in New York for browns. FWITW GG
Hey Mario. Have you ever fished for steelhead up there?

P.S. I have no hidden agenda by asking that.
Jim from Folly's gave me permission to use the pavilion that weekend . I'm sure he'd be ok with either weekend, but whatever date is best for everyone we can just plan it from there. Vote your choice and we'll decide in the next week.

btw, this will be the 6th year of the Steelhead JAM. Glad to see it still going strong.

And as long as I attend, the cinnamon rolls will be provided...
More than me then and I live close.
I actually want to try to make this event. Keep hearing about these cinnamon rolls....

I fished that Saturday of the JAM last year but it was a spur of the moment early morning game time decision to head up there. Who knows who I ran into from the site lol....
Lets plan on 7 - 9. I can always get a different place
I'll be there whenever it is, and from past experience, the cinnamon rolls are usually better than the fishing!
if You want good fishing, simply stay and fish Monday after the event, conditions will be perfect.
^ ha ha ha! this is sage like advice from biker!

Looking forward to the JAM.
