Valley Forge TU January Meeting



Active member
Jun 9, 2016

Our Next General Membership Meeting will be held on​

Thursday, January 12, 7:30 PM​

as a Zoom Meeting​

Featured Speaker: Chris Kennedy, fish biologist for Rocky Mountain National Park and the US Fish & Wildlife Service, will be speaking about the “History of Fisheries Management and Greenback Cutthroat Trout Recovery in Rocky Mountain National Park”.
Please see our website for link.
Glad to hear you guys got the Zoom thing going. Last month's meeting was very good, but can't be present this week.
Thanks Dave. Just to be clear for all - the January meeting will be Zoom Only. The speaker is west coast based, so we'll be completely remote for this session.
Perfect I will be on the west coast of Downingtown and see how I can make the Zoom meeting work.
Dave - It will be good to see you at the ZOOM. The subject matter about the native Greenback Cutts there in the Rockies may give insights to our team planting brookie eggs.
Valley Forge TU members, do you know if the presentation will be archived?

A friend of mine would be interested in seeing it.

Again, the presentation was great. This history of trout management there was very interesting. I'd love to see a similar presentation on history of trout management in PA.

I've fished 4 days in Rocky Mountain National Park, and it was good to learn more about it.
Valley Forge TU members, do you know if the presentation will be archived?

A friend of mine would be interested in seeing it.

Again, the presentation was great. This history of trout management there was very interesting. I'd love to see a similar presentation on history of trout management in PA.

I've fished 4 days in Rocky Mountain National Park, and it was good to learn more about it.
Not sure if we recorded or not but I’ll confirm. I think not…