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I’ve recently been fishing the Tulpehocken very frequently in the mornings. I’m very new to fly fishing so have no experience targeting rising fish. I’ve been having success on nymphs and a few eats on my stimulator that I use mostly as an indicator for dry dropper. I often see many fish rising and especially this morning. The flat I was fishing was going off with fish some definitely trout. They were leaping out of the water and sometimes twice at what I guess was their target. I did not notice any obvious insects in the air or on the water. I did see some very, very tiny flies on the surface. Unfortunately did not get a photo. Is this what they are after? I knew I didn’t have anything similar or small enough in my box to try to match what I saw. I didn’t get too frustrated and continued focus on the nymph fishing. Maybe someone familiar with the Tully can clue me in. Thanks for reading!