Question: A Fish Come True, Paul Schullery



Well-known member
Nov 20, 2006
Is this book a collection of Schullery's stories, or is it a collection of other people's stories that Schullery has collected. In the blurb in FTJ, it sounds like it is a small anthology of other writers' works, but I cannot tell.

Thanks in advance.
The cover only has Schullery's name on it. The title page says "Paul Scullery, author". In neither place does it say "Paul Schullery, editor."

Preview of A Fish Come True

I'm guessing it's entirely his work, and since anything by him is worth reading, I'm about to order it.
I read his American Fly Fishing: A History last year, and I'm pretty sure it taught me more about FFing than any other book I've read. Thoroughly enjoy his work. Maybe I'll check this one out. Thanks!
I read his American Fly Fishing: A History last year, and I'm pretty sure it taught me more about FFing than any other book I've read. Thoroughly enjoy his work. Maybe I'll check this one out. Thanks!
If you liked that one, check out his Fly Fishing Secrets of the Ancients.
Thank you. I, too, am a Schullery fan. I have read the section, "Shupton's Fancy," having it in book form. I also have American Fly Fishing, a wonderful book. I also plan to order "A Fish Come True."

Thanks again.
I had my wife help me order it online. I hope to have it soon.

Thanks again.
I got it and just gave it my first reading. If you are looking just for fly-fishing information, you'd probably rate it only about a 2 on a scale of 1 - 5, 5 being tops. However, if you rate on the same scale for enjoyable reading about fly-fishing and imagined fly-fishing adventures in the present and in the future and are looking for a well-written book, I think you'd give it a 4.5 or a 5.

Since I am so old and have tired of reading books of tactics, many which repeat info. from the past, I enjoyed Schullery's book immensely. I plan to re-read it often.