PLEASE READ - New Site Issues and Questions for January 2022



Staff member
Dec 13, 2021
Dave Kile copy
Welcome to the updated forum.

The site has just been upgraded to offer many improvements. It is still under construction, but we are back open for business.

The old Paflyfish forum was based on a platform called XOOPS and was a critical step for the website sixteen years ago. The XOOPS platform had not kept up with contemporary Internet protocols, security standards, SEO search engines, mobile user access and many other important features. I have migrated to a new forum platform based on Zenforo with the plan on improving our fly fishing community.

The new forum will provide all the new features that is needed as well maintaining pretty much all the old features you have been familiar with over the years. The new forum will offer better community access and convince to all the old information too.

New Functionality
Mobile Access - designed to work with smartphones and tablets
Security - Secure SSL access, a secure certificate for the site, hChapta for new secure user registration, advance blocking for bots and spammers
Unlimited file storage - We can add more and larger images to posts
Pictures - easy to drag and drop images and no codes
Multimedia - simple YouTub video without adding codes
Intuitive authoring tools - what you see is what you get
Watched Content - Users can opt to receive email or on-site notifications
Conversations (formerly private messages) - Private messaging to one or more member
What’s new features
Enhanced Search

What got Migrated
All the old forums, threads, posts and replies
User names, signature lines and avatars
Private messages - now Conversations

What didn’t make it
Embedded videos
Photo Album
Links referring to the old site
Old Polls

Coming soon and still under construction
Mobile App - Paflyfish can be installed as an app on some smartphones or tablets
New Improved Photo Album
Updated Theme
Update Forum Policy and Guidelines

What’s next?
The site has been migrated with the goal of getting us back to functioning forums as quickly as possible. The look and feel is a little raw right now and I’ll be cleaning things up with a new theme. But, the first steps will be to answer questions, fix any glitches, adjust the preferences and get used back to a normal functioning site.

There will be issues and I will likely not know all the answers. Please be patient as there are many new features. Let’s use the forum to ask questions and share answers in the Site and Forum Comments.

As Maurice told me, there will be some pieces left on the ground after the move and I’ll have to take a little time picking them back up the following weeks.

Thanks for being part of Paflyfish,

Dave Kile
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Thanks for all of your work on this. I have to say, it's very strange after all the years of being used to the old site. lol
As I already told Dave via the new messaging system, I was never a fan of the old platform and was having issues logging in via Firefox for months so I am already 1000% happier with the new forum.

Spellcheck, easier image attachments, reply preview, drafts, simpler formatting... AWESOME!!

Thanks again to Dave and everyone and anyone who had a hand in the changeover!!
I have a question:

On the old site, you had a set amount of time to go back and edit a post, maybe 30 minutes to an hour?

Which I hated in case I wanted to correct a mistake I discovered a day later!!

Will the new site have the same restriction? (I guess I can check back in an hour and see... ;) )
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If you are talking about photos in posts, I checked one photo I added a week ago and its still there.
If you are talking about photos in posts, I checked one photo I added a week ago and its still there.
No, I was referring to the Photos album. Not attached photos.

I've since read that the Photos album wasn't saved, but a new one is in the making.
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I have a question:

On the old site, you had a set amount of time to go back and edit a post, maybe 30 minutes to an hour?

Which I hated in case I wanted to correct a mistake I discovered a day later!!

Will the new site have the same restriction? (I guess I can check back in an hour and see... ;) )
There is a time limit that is set to the default. Is 30 mins still good?
Were the Photos able to be saved? If so, how are they accessed?
The Photo section was not saved nor the images. Some time down the road I will enable a new photo section. Most of the embedded photos in to the posts are still there. Not sure of the percentage, but most.
There is a time limit that is set to the default. Is 30 mins still good?
I guess I don't understand an objection to a lengthier time limit. Several days to month seem to be the norm on most BB's I am active on. That gives you a chance to correct any typos or content mistakes, delete inflammatory comments made under the influence, :oops: delete an entire post or add something without adding an entire new reply.

My $ .02; I think a month would be adequate if there isn't a reason I don't understand to keep it shorter.

BTW - I can still edit the post I made above 9:15 so the 30 minute clock is broken... ;)
I agree, it should be much longer than 30mins. I'm still able to edit from 9:37AM this morning. lol What's the thinking behind an edit cut-off time to begin with?
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So far so good Dave and Co. Looks really good. I'm looking forward to the app.

Nice work Dave. Very phone friendly.
Agreed, the new site seems like a serious upgrade, already. Thanks.
I guess I don't understand an objection to a lengthier time limit. Several days to month seem to be the norm on most BB's I am active on. That gives you a chance to correct any typos or content mistakes, delete inflammatory comments made under the influence, :oops: delete an entire post or add something without adding an entire new reply.

My $ .02; I think a month would be adequate if there isn't a reason I don't understand to keep it shorter.

BTW - I can still edit the post I made above 9:15 so the 30 minute clock is broken... ;)
I hear and on my list to look into
When trying to use the "attach files" or insert photo functions from my phone, I'm frequently getting a "the uploaded file is too large" error. Is it still necessary to host elsewhere and then embed here??
When trying to use the "attach files" or insert photo functions from my phone, I'm frequently getting a "the uploaded file is too large" error. Is it still necessary to host elsewhere and then embed here??
There is a 1 meg limit right now. That's much bigger than before. I experienced this issue too and trying to figure the best way forward. Many camera phones take 3 meg pictures. I'm looking for a auto resize tool for the site. So mark this one as a known issue and I'm working on it.
I guess I don't understand an objection to a lengthier time limit.
I'm don't necessarily agree with the idea (I like a much longer limit) but the site now has a "like" button. Suppose you write something that everyone agrees with and hits the like button, then edit the post to mean the exact opposite? It then looks like lots of people are endorsing an idea that they really disagree with. Not sure this matters much on this site, but I'd to see it on a politically oriented site.
I'm don't necessarily agree with the idea (I like a much longer limit) but the site now has a "like" button. Suppose you write something that everyone agrees with and hits the like button, then edit the post to mean the exact opposite? It then looks like lots of people are endorsing an idea that they really disagree with. Not sure this matters much on this site, but I'd to see it on a politically oriented site.
Many issues with extended editing options. We can talk about hours and minutes, but likely won't go with days or weeks.