Photo file size


New member
Jan 9, 2022
Hagerstown, MD
Hi, Dave. Whenever I try to download a photo it says the file is too large. I even cropped it more. Do you have any suggestions about how one might decrease the file size so the photos will be accepted? As I’m sure you know, camera sensors are becoming more and more sensitive and file sizes are getting very large and 4MB won’t cut it for many pictures.

On one other little issue, I was unable to access the site with my old credentials. I just re-registered but I wonder if others are having the same trouble.

Cropping doesn't reduce file size much and can sometimes enlarge the files sizes like other retouching.

I am sure there is an app or a utility built in that will RESIZE your image files as in reducing it from megabytes to kilobytes. That's what you are looking to do versus cropping it and I'm sure Dave can give you guidance what size those files should be.
Good discussion seems like no matter site pictures have some questions. The short answer is there is a file size of 1 meg or about 1024k. The old site was about 150k because I didn't have as much storage room.

I realize this is an issue. Most smartphone takes pictures about 2-3 megs. For now we have to reduce the size of the pictures. I am looking into a way on the site if it can automatically detect a picture is too large and downsize it to fit.

I'm not even sure how to quickly resize a picture on an iPhone for example to get past this temporarily. I want mobile users to easily post images , but not the larger sizes. On my list thanks.
Hi, Dave. Whenever I try to download a photo it says the file is too large. I even cropped it more. Do you have any suggestions about how one might decrease the file size so the photos will be accepted? As I’m sure you know, camera sensors are becoming more and more sensitive and file sizes are getting very large and 4MB won’t cut it for many pictures.

On one other little issue, I was unable to access the site with my old credentials. I just re-registered but I wonder if others are having the same trouble.

Hi Guys,

I think I have fixed this. Please give a picture a try from your cell phone and let me know if it works. Thanks for your help.

Thanks Dave, this is sweet. Maurice netting a steelhead for Turkey.
Photo test
Staying with the dog theme 😃



  • E45563C2-35D3-4266-A08E-04BBF2AB9DB7.jpeg
    297.1 KB · Views: 21
Great new look and feel. Thanks. When posting a photo is there a reason to use thumbnail over full size or vica versa. I just posted a few pics that look great IMHO!