Paflyfish Spring Jamboree 2024 - Save the date!


Staff member
Dec 13, 2021
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There has been some early interest for the Paflyfish Spring Jamboree 2024. The Mods and I wanted to share that we have set the dates as Friday, May 17 - Sunday, May 19. More details will follow with a formal announcement later.

Use the code: PAFLYFISH for a 10% discount

Website link: Sevens Mountain Campground
101 Seven Mountains
Campground Rd.
Spring Mills, PA 16875
(814) 364-1910
(888) 468-2556
Call between 8:30-4:30 M-F
I'm marking it on my calendar for this year, finally going to make it up.
Just booked it. I booked a site next to the pavilion, hoping to help insulate against noise complaints.
Good move.
That's where I stayed last spring.
But there was a couple beside me who complained about the noise, causing us to shut down earlier than normal.
Be nice if we could fill that area with PAFF'ers
I'm marking it on my calendar for this year, finally going to make it up.
God, I really need too as well. It is so close to where I live..... I always plan to and never do. AHHHHHH!!!
Man I really want to go this year.
Always falls on the weekend closest to my wife's birthday. Which in the grand scheme of things isn't the end of the world, maybe this is the year I make it happen.
Man I really want to go this year.
Always falls on the weekend closest to my wife's birthday. Which in the grand scheme of things isn't the end of the world, maybe this is the year I make it happen.
You don't have to be there for the whole weekend.
Even just one day is OK too.

And its not just Friday and Saturday night either.
Quite a a few people go up Thursday, and even Wednesday night.
And some even stay over into the following week
I am going. Made the reservation Thursday night - Sunday. Me and my friend Larry. My name is Ron.
See you guys there!
Bring her. Problem solved!
My wife is a lovely woman, who will fish with me from time to time, and would enjoy the environment as well. In fact, we have stayed at the campground on a fishing trip together before. However, I don't know that she would be to down with devoting 2-3 days to hard fishing, and 2-3 days of both of us away from the kids is too much of a hassle at this stage.
Good move.
That's where I stayed last spring.
But there was a couple beside me who complained about the noise, causing us to shut down earlier than normal.
Be nice if we could fill that area with PAFF'ers
Hope agreement on time extension for Fri. & Sat. night for regular get together event has been OK'd.
I'll get there one way or another, timing and guests TBD