PAFF Awards


Well-known member
May 3, 2011

Thoughts on an annual award ceremony at the jam? Catergories such as:

Post of the Year
Fish of the Year
Fly Pattern of the Year
Jagoff of the Year - Have a few guys probably high in the running already.
Ugliest Stockie of the Year
Deadest Horse of the Year
Spotburned Stream of the Year
Funniest Falling in Story of the Year
Best Streamside Fight of the Year.
Best pcray Style Post Not Posted by pcray of the Year.

Maybe one person a year gets inducted into the PAFF Spincaster Hall of Fame or something.

Just a few initial ideas. Brainstorm others.

Could be good fun. Set up polls and vote during the first half of the year up to the Jam. Maybe give away some hats or something. I’ll help fund the hats.
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"Post not even close to being related to the original post" (Guilty)
Jagoff of the Year - Have a few guys probably high in the running already.
"Have a few guys probably high in the running already"

Good use of the "g" instead of the harsh "ck" sound, too. 🤣😂
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"Have a few guys probably high in the running already"

Could use of the "g" instead of the harsh "ck" sound, too. 🤣😂

I’m a Yinzer. Totally the “g”.
Dear Swattie,

Can you win the Triple Crown? I think I'm in the running for at least 3 and maybe 4 of the potential award categories.


Tim Murphy 🙂
why not substitute all the negatives with positives and serious topics. Organizers might even get some donations for the awards
ambassador of the sport
educational posts/contributor
I'd like to nominate myself for post of the year and jagoff of the year. Don't think I have it in me to be a triple crown threat.
These are great ideas. I’d vote for me as buzzkill

Best mod of the year (not including me)
Dave, don't think you're a buzz kill at all. I would go with level headed and empathetic.

First ballot Hall of famer? I am flattered and glad to see that my efforts have not going unnoticed.
A few years ago I had suggested an annual Top Trout Award that would go to the best PA fly caught trout posted on PAFF. I thought it was a great idea and I did find some very nice fish. However, the response from the readership was lackluster and the concept was abandoned after a couple years. It was too much work and failed to produce interest or engagement.
Dear Swattie,

Can you win the Triple Crown? I think I'm in the running for at least 3 and maybe 4 of the potential award categories.


Tim Murphy 🙂

Dear Mr. Murphy,

Have you ever seen that Colonial Penn life Insurance ad that says there are 3 P’s for buying life insurance? Price, Price, Price.

Well, a guy can get the Triple Crown 🏆 here by winning just one category, the “3 P Award”.

It’s called PAFF’s Politest Poster.


John Rhoades 😊

P.S. I think you know who wears that triple crown award here.
I volunteer to emcee the awards ceremony. That'll almost certainly guarantee I avoid being nominated for anything.